The Viridescent Tiara - Ch. 35

Nov 22, 2019
god damn that crown prince is getting on my nerves already, thanks for translating!!
Jun 27, 2020
Umm??? Some empress she is?? Blaming her son’s gross behavior on his wife??? As a parent, she’s far more responsible for having a trash son than his wife. The most responsible is obviously the prince but wtf that was not a good introduction
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
So... the son sleeps around a lot and doesn't care, and she sets him up with someone chaste? What was she expecting to happen? That is just... the dumbest idea. 😑

That idiot empress has the gall to say "she can't even keep her husband in check." Does she think being virtuous and chaste is like some kind of condition that will spread via contact? What's Miro supposed to do, chain the crown prince up in the dungeon? Give him a stern lecture? I just can't even wrap my head around it. No wonder this empire is full problems, if this is their leadership.

At least the narrator has enough sense to pinpoint the source of the problem being the prince.
Nov 26, 2020
oh my god, what is the crown princess' problem here? it's not ran's fault, it's her duchebag of a husband's fault!! i'm so tired of girls competing with each other and getting jealous for absolutely no reason when their partners are trash. truly not a girl boss moment

and did that asshole just whistle at her?? cut his balls off, this dog needs to be neutered
Feb 5, 2020
The amount of bastards and bitches I wanna bitch slap into the earth's mantle are increasing.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
idiot royal spotted...
and another one seems to be their breeding ground
both prince and that sad excuse of a wife are stupid enough to warrant an execution

princess trying to mess with the mc just because well because of nothing realy its not like the mc tries or even wants to seduce the prince making it essentialy a basic yandere's ambition to keep her hubby faithful by killing every other female
well and the prince because he has the dodo royality syndrome... she is a duchess and he tries to be inappropriate
every other rank might not be able to tell the crown to keep their hands off but a duke or duchess can if the reason is right
and a prince behaving like a horny dog with an unwilling duchess is a good reason

well the main reason being other nobles may own small militaries and/or one small knight order a ducal territory can own an army including a grand knight order
if everything goes to shit its not uncommon for dukes to proclaim independence and make their territory a principality or fight against the crown and if the crown is made up of idiots its also not uncommon for the duke to win
Jul 7, 2019
Why does the empress blame the crown princess for the prince's womanizing ways? It shouldn't be her responsibility to 'keep him in check' and neither should she be blamed for his faults.
It also seems a bit forced to set her up as a villainess - her antagonizing Ran kind of comes out of nowhere. I would rather see these two team up and give the prince a good smack.

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