The Viridescent Tiara - Ch. 37

Sep 14, 2019
Say it louder sis!

The front poster. The description on the main page. Both screams that the ML is gonna be Yustaf ffs!
Just go read another manhwas that suit your taste then 😑
Nov 20, 2019
Imagine declaring a useless war and march all the way up there just to get annihilated in 3 day, I’d never show my face in society again
Apr 23, 2020
Yes, I know that messengers travel faster than Ran’s trip would’ve taken. In the latter half of what I was saying I wasn’t talking about the message, I was talking about how long it would’ve taken Yustav to travel to the capital. I’m assuming that he would’ve had to settle the aftermath of the war before traveling to the capital, so even if he rode on horseback with little luggage to slow him down I doubt he would have arrived sooner than a month later since Ran’s trip took a month
Active member
Feb 17, 2020
I'm glad the Marquis was stomped down quickly lol. Also kinda gratified Yustaf cut off the head of the Marquis' son - he is completely right, people die in wars and up until know it was the Lachia's people who were dying; those who couldn't defend themselves. Yustaf has absolutely no reason to show mercy for this unprovoked attack.

Yustaf and Ran are so cute though :) :) :) thank you for the plastic surgery lol
Jan 25, 2021
Totally agree with Yustaf. Your army kills someone, especially in a sneak attack war started due to greed, then you should expect your life to be forfeited.

Also, yeahhhh this is not incest at all. If this is incest marrying your childhood friend/school first love is too cause you’ve known each other too long. Critical thinking is important, look at their relationship and closeness throughout their lives. A lot of kids are basically raised together (close family friendships, sleep over every other night, etc) but you wouldn’t call that incest. It’s kind of hurtful and weird to think of everything in a box like this since there are people out there that grew up close to their spouse but have done absolutely nothing wrong.

On top of that fiction can do whatever it wants as long as people can continue to differentiate it from reality, which goes back to learning critical thinking.
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Thanks for translating!

I'm really enjoying this story, but the author has serious problems with editing. We skipped to at least a month later when she meets Yustaf again, and then back to the capitol. Needlessly confusing. Anyway, I'm quite happy that he killed the Marquis's son. After a dishonorable declaration of war and conduct in their territory he deserves it. The emperor will hopefully lose a lot due to his duplicity, as now the Duchy has every reason to assert more independance and cooperate even less with him. It was an extremely stupid play on his part, but realisticly stupid. She might be asking about the second prince in order to throw the Duchy's support behind him, which would further weaken the current Emperor and Crown Prince. The medieval politics of this story have been refreshingly good.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
At this point, just throw the whole Imperial family away 😒. I hope they get cut down physically or figuratively by Yustaf. And I agree @thegiantpossum, the time jumps/location jumps have been very weird and off putting -- the author definitely needs to label these transitions. Also lovvvveddd the 'Yustaf carry' -- love to see more progress!!♡

Oh my goodness the 'Chicken Cooper is hilarious -- "wtf am I just waking up to" sennnt meee. But seriously...thank you for the face edit lmao. Thank u for the triple update!!!♡

And THANK U FOR SAYING IT @sakurachii and @edma & others!!
To those who are concern if this is incest. Of course ml will end up with fl. They dont have blood relation anyway....

Well if you're still uncomfortable with that you could always find another manhwa you'd prefer reading
Like @edma was saying, this webtoon was upfront about who would end up with whom from the start -- did y'all seee the cover or did y'all just choose to be blind lol? They never had a sibling bond from the start and the author has been steadily bringing them closer romantically ever since Yustaf came back from school. Thank u for coming to my TedTalk lol xD
May 26, 2020

The way Yus carried Ran so casually is SO CUTE AAAAAAHHHH
Sep 27, 2020
That was so cute- it’s hard to not ship them.

the imperial family is wack asf 🙄 that’s why lachia won, as the fuck they should
Sep 6, 2020
lol, i prefer the yustav on the right XD I didn't know what the translation team were ogling about until the mention of the chins lol, I think I prefer Yustav with not a so sharp chin. I had to go back on the very panel and was sad with the pointed chin
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
I would demand severe reparations against them. And then you can use this to blackmail the king, since he allowed war, they can now legally wipe off the Marqui family off the map, and if not extinguish, ruin that family. The king just shot himself in the foot, because the Lachia duchy now has control over the complete mana stone/crystal supply.
That's fun.

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