@speck334 i know, right? when you have a powerful house 'rising from the ashes' and already powerful in both finances (all debts paid), military, economy (unique products), and with advatageous terrain and unique magic... you don't just attack, without bothering to give them au audience and hear what they can offer. that's just STUPID! especially since it is immediately obviois that you backed their enemies (given approval for a territory war).
seriously. this is lile begging for a civil war. rebellion. being overthrown. seriously bad move, leaving himself wode open by making enemies of the rising stars... and all the fans of their new products not to mention..
so... is the imperial family stupid? if so, how have they managed to keep their throne for so long? do they have a secret shadow backer? are they that certain of their position?
...or is the emperor thinking with his coin purse as much as the prince thinks with his dick?