The Witch's Servant and the Demon Lord's Horns

Jan 19, 2018
Now that we've settled some misunderstandings brought up so far in the story, I wanted to share this thing I found
I can't read any of this, but it looks like an official unofficial dating "dance party" sim made for April Fools. Click the Play Game button and then wait like a minute for the game to load. If someone can share what is going on, that'd be pretty cool of you.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@Ceiye : thanks for that link, I'd like to know too. All I can tell is it's a cute quick game, and it seems Betty wants Arsenio to do something at a ball, or bring something from it? Anyway I like that we have the choice to go as male or female Arsenio and to choose which partner we go with, Sauro or Rei (no matter the form Arsenio takes). The dialogues seem differents in all the combinations too, so I wish I could read more kanji than the ones for "you" and "today" lol.

It's nice to see the designs at least:

They're both very cute, I just wish Arsenio wouldn't blush and fawn over Rei and then remember their still a child when they say/do something immature haha stop being a pedophile my dude I'm begging you.

Look at them in freaking matching colours, and Arsenio's lovely blush as he says "Thanks for today, Sauro"

You get a cute little illustration of the pairing you chose dancing at the end of each route - pretty sure that's really the whole purpose of this xD
Apr 21, 2020
AAAAAAAHHHH! I really want Arsenio to end up with Sauro >_<

But I'd feel bad breaking up the original ship like ugghh I know it's not likely but I'd be totally fine if they went the polyamourous route. Like an OT3 ain't bad.

But wait is Rei a minor? I forgot since its been a while since I've read this manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@Masterfisk: you're very welcome ;)

Should I post the final illustrations? I didn't try the male!ArsenioxRei (I just can't convince my brain to be okay with that one) route but I have the others if anyone's interested but too lazy to click the mini game lol.

@K00K13: Rei is currently 15, seems they'll have their birthday this month (they need to make the cure for Vivian before Beltain which should be soon, so it's only been a few weeks since the beginning of the story). And there is no law saying that the MC has to end up with the first character of the opposite sex they meet (or with anyone at all actually), like Goku didn't marry Bulma now, did he? :p
Apr 21, 2020

Ah true! Thanks for the reply! 😊

Now that you've told me that Rei is just about to turn 16, it kinda makes me uncomfortable to ship them with Arsenio (even though I didn't really ship it that much) since the gap in mental age/maturity is even more evident (when I got back to the manga I just thought she acted younger or something). I'd much prefer if he either gets together with someone who isn't a minor/someone closer to his age and maturity or for him to just stay single as you've suggested.

Tbh I was mostly afraid of breaking the ship cause I feel like when I do say I prefer a same sex pairing over an opposite sex pairing, people often either tell me I'm fetishising gay relationships or that I only ship gay relationships because I'm fujioshi filth or something like that. While in reality I just ship characters based on their chemistry, personality and history with each other. Not because they're a certain sex or gender. It's frustrating at times tbh.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@K00K13: yep, I'm the type who thinks 'ship and let ship', that people should ship whatever they want and let others do them same, so I'm not going around insulting people if they want to root for Rei with Arsenio, it's just not for me. I haven't ship them at all at any moment, and thought many times that Rei had a better relationship with Llod (who's 17), especially at the beginning - except that clearly Llod is in love with Eric and it seems very much reciprocated, just Eric seems to have been thinking until now that Lloyd should be with Rei. Anyway, I wouldn't have minded if that ship have become end game as long as they got together some time in the future, but here with really have Arsenio lesting after a 15 year old because they have those big boobs, and even though he was guilty about that it still doesn't change that the teenager who has a huge crush on him is quite pushy and Arsenio just goes with it, and yeah I'm not a fan of that. Rei really is very immature, it's not just a question of an arbitrary number, they still have A LOT of growing to do.

I don't think that Arsenio is in love with Rei too btw, like I think (in addition to be sexually attracted to them) that he cares about them yes, but I think that after that time Rei confessed to him the first time, he just confused his lust + the super gratefulness he felt at someone loving him, a monster, with love.

As for shipping Sauro and Arsenio, I'd say it's safe to think it's a possibility, I think it's either the end game or Arsenio still is undecided by the end of the story, especially because he might also be undecided what form he's most confortable in. But their chemistry really is super high level, it only took a few chapters to make obvious how much they care about each other, adding to that the way Arsenio looked every time he mentionned Seuro in previous chapters, and those covers, and the prequel... there is just too much of a "(childhood) friends to ennemies to lovers ultra combo" vibe to them for this ship not to be serious. So yeah imo nobody should feel weird about shipping them ;)

Plus like I was saying earlier, the possiblity of Arsenio forging Excalibur for Sauro, and the kind of magic they use, makes it just too good to not see an awesome battle couple right there, while Rei's magic is quite not compatible with Arsenio's body. So well we'll see ;)

ps: as for being bothered by being called a fujoshi... have you ever tried reading/watching stories with f/f pairings? Like, there are some good yuri here, or the anime Mouretsu Pirates, or if you watch cartoons rooting for pairing in Steven Universe etc? Or stuff with trans characters, like that cute little manga by a trans woman, Hanayome wa Motodanshi. Though you shouldn't mind what other people's think about you imo, but if you still can't help feeling guilty, less chances you're a fujoshi if you like all kind of pairings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 21, 2020

Yeah! You bring up really good points and I definitely agree! Thanks for taking the time of day for this little discussion! 😄

I personally find myself prefering western depictions of f/f pairings like Catradora, Ruby and Sapphire, etc. over anime ones. I don't know why, it might be just that I haven't found the right shojou ai or yuri for me yet. From the few that I have read (which was a long time ago tbh so things might've changed) I feel like they pushed the whole purity image too much (with all the white flowers and lilies imagery) but I could just be reading into it weirdly. I can be kinda picky at times when it comes to stories about LGBT+ characters and I tend to avoid stereotypical depictions as a personal preference. Like I'm not really into the obvious dom and sub pairing. I want both characters to show a mixture of traits like with real people.

But yeah I'm going off topic and starting to ramble. Sorry 😣 also like yeah I probably shouldn't be so worried over what other people think of me.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@K00K13 : I reiterate my advice to at least try Mouretsu Pirates then, it has a cool f/f pairing imo, not with the MC though, but two great characters, lesbians space pirates basically lol, and the rest of the show is really fun and interesting (if you don't mind scifi) ;)

And I totally understand wanting good rep, I'm queer myself, and that's one of the things I love about MGMT here, it's all over the place and seems to make jokes about everyone and everything, but then you suddenly have Eric going into some serious realistic subjects, characters questionning themselves just like people irl, and it gets pretty deep... Knowing this is published in the Gangan where very famous stuff like Full Metal Alchemist have been released, it's really awesome 😲
Apr 21, 2020

I'll give it try then! I mean space pirates and sci-fi as well as a good lesbian pairing. Sounds right up my alley! 😁

Yeah! I was pleasantly surprised when they started to delve into the deeper questions many people go through when trying to find out who they are and where they stand in this world while still keeping a relatively light mood! Also wow I didn't know that ! That's pretty cool! 🤯
Dec 2, 2019
I know Betty is still young and is not good at combat but man I wish she also gets more screentime, she's just so ADORABLE.
Does anyone knows if she will get more attention in the future? It feels bad all of them are flirting with each other while she's just there to be Arsenio's master and not much of her relationships are explored.

Still love the story regardless though! 😀
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@Reficul: she's the actual female lead of the story (not Rei, it doesn't have to be a love interest), so it makes sense that she'd get more 'screen time' at some point and that the main plot is actually about helping her save her teacher Vivian. I'm pretty sure past this 'recrutement and needed talks' part with Sauro, we should get her backstory, how she and Arsenio met etc (especially seeing one of the next covers). Or at least that's what I'm betting/hoping for.

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