The World After 5 Minutes - Vol. 7 Ch. 66 - The World After Five Minutes

Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Holy shit this is a pleasant surprise, didn't think this'll be finished today.

Thanks for scanning this!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2020
Sad it ended like this, it could've continued, but alas I think it's because of the biased readers.
Sep 8, 2019
I found myself to be not that disappointed with the ending, just a bummer that somehow the kid and his mom's problem got solved magically without any help from the gang.
May 27, 2018
sooo who did she choose ? lol . I hate open endings...
Another manga that can't end properly...
Aggregator gang
Dec 4, 2018
in my mind it'll she'll date both and happy ending yaaaay

but what I don't get is... that mom and child duo had some family problems, right? it was solved or forgotten?

also, how did the small Buddha statue that 'started' it all die? why at the forests of mount Fuji?
Jul 26, 2020
I'm sad there wasn't any conclusion on the romance, but it was great nonetheless. Thanks for translating!!
Dec 30, 2018
On the one hand I really like this ending, but on the other it really sucks that it just up and ended like that. Guess it wasn't selling enough.
Aug 15, 2020
While it wasnt the best manga i have read, it also wasnt the worst. Still, i agree that the ending felt a bit rushed and also left a few plotthreads hanging:
- The whole deal with Michirus Diary about that book that was apperantly written by the older twin buddah. That was more or less just dropped silently, wasnt it?
- MCs sense of smell. Sure, the manga as a whole isnt meant to be realistic, but i feel the whole "reading feelings through smell" thing seemed a bit out of place, like "yea, he got that X-Men power, deal with it".
- Also i get the impression that at one point the story drifted from what was intended and started to make it up as they went along. Like in the first few chapters, and the flashback in chapter 23, the fortuneteller was more human like. True, maybe MC just didnt get a good look at him, but it seemed like clear human features / hands in the first chapter. So i think the whole buddah-twins arc wasnt the original plan they persued.
- And there is the thing with the little buddah too. Maybe i overlooked something, but when big buddah said the little guy vowed to spend his whole life with "someone...a human", seemed to understand who this referred to, as if there was some backstory to it. And how did the little guy even die?

Not to mention how time-travel storys always are a strange can of worms. F.e. why didnt the older budda twin not travel back even further? And what exactly travels back in time, the whole body, or only the mind which takes over the pasts body? The bodys of the buddas keep their holes, so at least in their case its the body. But as MC went back, both times he did so without his injury, which would say its only the mind that travels. Then again, the old Doc kept his ballweapon (which partly is made from budda-cells) when he came back from the future. But MC in turn didnt get to keep his when going back the first time, so whats up there?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
so wait the scientist who did all of those horrible things gets to have a good ending? Just walks off with some mushrooms? When they met him in the present he even said he was experimenting on humans even before he acquired the buddha cells... that just seems rather plot holey nice to see the rest of the cast who were very much absent during this last arc sadly.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
Overall this was not an especially good series. It's not that it did any kind of "great sin" of writting but everything just felt like an idea that fell a little flat. For example

-The way the younger twin talks about never winning against the MC despite very much being more successful than him. I get what the author was going for but you REALLY need to show something to back it up better right away or it just feel like empty flattery.

-Just .... the Buddha's. Their designs were pretty poor and just felt like a dumb idea that wasn't crazy enough to be entertainingly random.

-The Odd Genius's design felt pretty lazy as well. There are better ways to design a "power that takes any form".

-Somewhat connected with the Buddha issue is the gore issue. It felt entirely used for cheap shock value and nothing more. This especially works against the series when the story changes and the fortune teller suddenly is now a buddha (he clearly wasn't in the first chapter) and suddenly they "don't want to do this but have to". Kind of hard to make that arguent with the shock value levels of torture seen at the very start.

Again overall it's not like it did one thing SUPER WRONG. But I can see why litterally no one talked about this series and why it was axed. It tries to be unique in all the wrong ways and if you look past them all you're left with is a generic apocalypses series that's been done better before. So it doesn't even manage to get attention by angering readers, it just mostly feels forgettable to all but the biggest fans of this type of series.

As for me I'm a shonen fan so I kind of have a soft spot for this kind of thing. But I can't really say this was a very satisfying example. Good on the translators for working on this as it's not so bad it doesn't deserve to be read. But I'm also not shocked to see it end rather abruptly.

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