@Nolonar ,
It would have made a lot more sense if they compared the families with regards to the fathers (given up vs controlling) rather than the mothers, precisely because of the theme of this manga. Comparing the mothers, doesn't add to the central idea, comparing the fathers would have. Even if it is not a slip up, it is certainly a missed opportunity.
Pretty sure there's fathers in the real world that disapprove of porn. You seem even more limited in your worldview than the author who assumes pretty much all guys are horny and all women abhor horniness, when it's a bit more varied than that in reality.
criver is like the new kronix or something, for real.
Every comment section I read, he is there saying either something wrong, or something I disagree with and having long drawn out discussions with people while missing their point.
It doesn't make more sense if they compare the families with regards to the fathers. Could the author have done that? Yes, but it doesn't matter.
I'm guessing criver didn't even read the rest of the manga, since there was a whole page where the black pony tails mother asks her to show her bag when she is bringing porn, and she is glad the MC gave her fish to hide it.
There are strict mothers and strict fathers in real life, same here.
Just reiterating the point, thank you.
I still seriously question this author's life experiences if he thinks virtually all dudes act like these girls do. It's certainly not my experience as a guy, myself. And I've certainly run across women and girls who are into sex more than the guys that appear every so often seem to be, my ex being one. She wasn't a whore, she just really enjoyed sex and had gone through many boyfriends (and girlfriends) before she got to me. I suspect part of why it didn't work was because I wasn't as into it and willing to explore as she was.
That's odd, so historically patriarchal societies having one man with many wives is something that didn't change in this world.
I think polygamy should've just been a woman who had multiple husband
Yeah, I find that a weird thing to maintain, but I guess you have to draw the line somewhere to maintain the rest of the reality's parallel nature..? But, yeah, I agree that I feel like it should have gone the other way. Women in charge, men as the harem members in the past. I mean, they maintain that men tend to be nurses in the first chapter, and someone pointed out that was something dictated by militaries because women weren't allowed to be armed soldiers, so best put them to work tending wounds. In this world, I figured it'd make more sense to make them the fighters because they have more aggressive tendencies here, while the men tended to be 'sheltered' so they end up caregivers in times of war, and then in times of peace afterwards.
Shit stops making so much sense if they don't maintain the reversal a bit more extensively.
I just noticed that the girls always talking about getting "filled up" and stuff but what about pregnancy? You think they would be careful with that but I guess they're just too horny to think about the consequences. Just like normal high school boys now that I think about it.
Maybe they have crazy good birth control here or something?
Earlier chapter talked about bearing more children as a national responsibility as a woman or whatever (and then that went out the window when the ugly bastard teacher was brought up), so maybe they don't find it as bad of a consequence? Even though I totally agree that they should be more concerned. The original doujin even had ill-conceived ideas on rape fantasies where the pregnant woman followed around the man until she gave birth and 'shamed' him in front of his family, which... just felt so weird and 'long game', to me. As if that would actually work consistently, as opposed to the real world 'pump and dump' where the woman's left pregnant after a horrible rape and must face her family or shoulder the responsibility herself.