@So-chan I somewhat envy those who can enjoy alcohol. Trouble for me is that, while I may get the initial shot or sip down, soon after the alcohol 'taste' sets in and after that I can't for the life of me down one ounce or shot more. So I've never had the pleasure to experience what that 'smashness' is...
Someone did teach me a trick once to conceal that 'taste', blend 1/5 of clear spirits(like vodka, it doesn't work on anything flavored like liqueur or beer, the taste sets in regardless of amount of juice...) and 4/5 of orange juice. For some reason that masks the taste sufficiently. So we had a half-litre bottle of 80 proof vodka home so I decided to try it. Well, one bottle later and...nothing. no balance issues, no-one thinks I'm drunk, I even kept a log book during the test and no issues writing either. But I had to go to the WC a lot, if we had had more vodka at home that time it might have gone differently but I'm not sure I could drink much more liquid in a day. We did have those small liqueur bottles from boat trips, so I tried those, but did I already tell the orange juice doesn't work on anything flavored? Well, yeah, that 'taste' put the end to it all. No smashness here... This was from long ago, when I still lived in Sweden(residing in Finland currently).