These Two Will Be Married In 100 Days - Ch. 75 - Day 75

Jun 1, 2020
for real life reference -
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja I'm a medical student and every single time i see something happen to someone in a manga or someone reacting to it, it makes me cringe uncontrollably, I've also studied Zoology quite a lot, and every form of media is exceedingly retarded about that subject, but so what? It's fiction. You think you're oh so special despite being the most replaceable person possible next to McD workers.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
"It's fiction" isn't a very good catch all defence. It's not hard for an author to do some homework and use google. Fiction isn't an excuse to avoid criticism for contextually inaccurate or unrealistic occurrences, in a given story / setting.

I also don't think throwing around childish "you think your special" insults helps you make much of a point either, especially considering I never said or implied I was. I really don't see what kind of point you're trying to make, though, I imagine if you actually had one you wouldn't need the insults.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja It's fiction is a perfect excuse since the point that the author wanted to make was made. Just because you think it matters does not mean that it does. The first chapter of Tonikaku Kawaii had Tsukasa jump in front of Nasa to save him from a truck but neither of them died. You don't see any doctors complaining about that, do you? So shut up.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
No, it isn't. The willing suspension of disbelief is a thing, and believe it or not, a lot of people care about something being contextually believable, realistic or factually accurate. You can ask an audience to believe the impossible, not the improbable. Did you not pay attention in English class? It is simply lazy and poor writing to do such things when Google and the internet exist and can assist aid you. Also, that applies to you too, "just because you think it doesn't matter, does not mean that it doesn't matter", though I get the sneaking feeling that rule doesn't apply to you, only the people you disagree with.

The first chapter of another series isn't relevant to this problem, that's textbook whataboutism. It's also a big assumption with no basis and a pointless qualifier. You don't have to be a doctor to have a problem with someone surviving getting hit by a truck, depending on its portrayal. And not seeing any complaints doesn't mean there aren't any, not that any of that is relevant to this issue with this manga, for which there are dozens of complaints by people knowledgeable on the topic. So by that basis (which is ridiculous), you should "shut up", unless you're going to claim to be a software dev too. Grow up dude .
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja The other series I'm talking about is relating to the guy who's being referred to in this chapter. Getting hit by a truck and surviving it is way more unbelievable than a shit company making stupid mistakes. You can see examples right here.

Yes, I can clearly see many people complaining, because you're all useless replaceable cogs in a machine and whining in a pirated manga's comment section is the only place where you feel like you're worth something.

The simple point of the chapter was, "MC gets hired to do job and fucks it up", whether or not it was probable is not important to the actual point the author was trying to make, but that's clearly way too smart for a bunch of people with a joke of a job to understand.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
this whole quarantine situation mess your head and drive you to rant heh?

>childish "you think your special" insults
no man that wasn't an insults, that exact impression you made with those long-ass "critic" commentary.
if you can't handle that little "insult", then why did you do that exact thing to the author? fricckin entitled being

>You do realize what the comment section is for, yes?
sharing memes and doujin codes, what else? sharing opinion and criticize manga? pffft

>The first chapter of another series isn't relevant to this problem
ironically very relevant, since it the same goddamn author with this webmanga.

>It is simply lazy and poor writing to do such things when Google and the internet exist and can assist aid you.
big fookin OOF man, you didn't know the series author also means you didn't enough "research" with your trusty Google.

i hate stupid argument like this, but you just embrace your inner shitlord demon inside yourself, so i just did the same.
@ me however you like, i won't read those reply tho
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
And no-one was talking about the other guy, or unrealistic things in other manga, but about this guy and unrealistic things in this manga. Again, whataboutism. Problems in another series are not relevant to problems in this series.

So because people disagree with you and voice opinions you don't like complain they're "useless cogs". Man, that's a mindset that's going to get you far in life. What exactly are you doing if not "whining in a pirated manga's comment section is the only place where you feel like you're worth something.". I think you're projecting man, because you're complaining far more than anyone here.

Him trying to make a point isn't the end all be all if he can't make it in believable manner. Making a point doesn't absolve you from criticism, if it did, literally no fiction would be criticized or rated poorly.

Literally none of my comment was about or referenced to me. So I don't see how that implication is there. Seems more like an inferiority complex on your guys' part than a superiority complex on mine.
An insult is "a disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action.". I think there's a marked difference between what I've said and what they guy I'm responding to has said to me. I'm also not going going on twitter or where ever the author is to @ him and say "You think you're special & as replaceable as a fast food worker", "you're a useless, replaceable cog" or "you're an idiot who doesn't understand what you're talking about", both of which would be actual insults instead of saying he just doesn't understand what he's talking about.

Yea, that logic doesn't follow and that's not what irony is. Him writing another series isn't relevant to a specific point that multiple people are criticizing of this series.

Maybe you don't care, but a lot of people like things to be believable or accurate. If an author claims that the sky is blue because of the ocean for some reason, he deserves criticism for not opening google or otherwise bothering to make sure what he's said is accurate.

Clearly you don't since you inserted yourself into it for no reason.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja If you can't see the point of bringing up Tonikaku Kawaii here then you're dumber than I thought.
People aren't useless cogs be aise they disagree with me, every sentence you say, you manage to sound dumber than before. People who are whining about fucking nothing is stupid. Multiple people are criticising this because multiple people are stupid.
Stuff are supposed to be criticized based on the rules and logic of that specific media. The point the author was trying to make was made perfectly, in fact majority of the people here managed to get that, you're especially stupid for not doing so.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
No I see your point, it just makes no sense and isn't relevant to what I've said. If I'm talking about a chef making an awful omelette today, for me, you don't bring up the other times he's made awful or great omelettes & people praising or not complaining about them, nor would those other omelettes negate my criticisms of this omelette.

"People who are whining about fucking nothing is stupid."
Dude, you're literally doing this right now. You're complaining about yourself, and you don't even see it. You're complaining that people are posting comments you don't like. And yes, it is what you're saying, you're just saying everyone is stupid because you say so, because it's your personal opinion that it's nothing and not important, because they disagree with you. Now what's more likely, everyone else is stupid, or you are? Considering you don't the irony in what you're saying, and you're doing exactly what you're complaining about, I don't think it's the first one.

Point me to the handbook or author, or school that says "if the author makes a point, no matter how inaccurate or unbelievable it is, it isn't to be criticized". I at least referenced the willing suspension of disbelief. Your logical conclusion of your argument is that fiction cannot be criticized. Anyways, considering this manga is set in a normal modern world like our own, you'd think those "rules and logic" would reflect our own. So something stupid in this world, should be stupid in that one. And considering there are more people "complaining" about this inaccuracy than there are defending it (you're literally the only one), I think you're in the minority.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja You fucked up right at the beginning, you complain if a Chef fucks up his cooking, not if he doesn't know how to code. Criticism should be about the quality of the product you came in for, not something unrelated.

Complaining about other people in the comment section by talking to them is not even remotely similar to people whining about a pointless subject which is only there to make a point.

People are criticizing the company for being stupid yes, barely anyone is whining about the author being stupid. The author already made the point that people fucked up, you have examples in this fucking comment section of it happening in real life, it's highly improbably but not impossible.

If you don't realize how stupid it is to criticize a romcom for it's inaccurate portrayal of business culture then you should probably go back to school because I doubt you actually passed.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Do you know what an analogy is? Because everyone is doing literally just that. The author is the chef, and the manga is the omelette. I criticized his omelette, the chapter, the quality of the chapter, which is what I came here for. Since the author is writing a chapter about software and a company and a big mistake, he should write about it accurately. I really can't tell if you're trolling or if you don't realize this. But I guess that doesn't matter because you're saying the quality or accuracy of the content in the chapter doesn't matter if you perceive the author as trying to make a point that you deem acceptable or achieved.

First off, you're not "talking to them" you're insulting and talking past them. And second, you're right, it's worse. This comment section is about the manga, and considering you're telling people they're worthless and stupid, and not talking about the content and mistakes of the manga, which isn't a "pointless subject", you're far worse than I gave you credit for. You're not defending the content of the manga because you can't, so you're just attacking me and making ridiculous claims about fiction in general.

And what exactly is the difference, and who is complaining about the author being "stupid"? The company is fictional, and the people complaining about it are noting how unrealistic it is, and by extension, noting how the author is clearly ignorant or otherwise writing poorly. My whole complaint, and everyone else's, is about how ridiculous this is, and or about how unrealistic it is, not about the author being stupid, but inaccurate or unbelievable. Also, those "examples" are on completely different scale than this, but since you don't seem to understand what you're talking about, I guess you wouldn't be able to tell that those examples and this are the difference between accidentally leaving the safety off on a gun, and pointing at someones head, pulling the trigger, and being surprised when it goes off.

Again, the start of that sentence does not relate to the end. Most fiction has no problem accurately portraying real life issues. Wotakoi, Senko, etc. And criticizing fiction for inaccurately portraying real things seems to be pretty normal and reasonable. How doing so makes one stupid is something that only seems to work out in your head.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja No I understand what an analogy is, what you don't understand is how stupid your analogy was. It's a fucking romcom, you're not criticizing the romance or the comedy, you're criticizing the most pointless part of the manga, good on you for making a gun comparison, because you're just like those gun tards who complain about it when someone calls a gun a different name than it is in reality, like when they yell, "IT'S NOT AN ASSAULT RIFLE REEEEE", equally pointless complaint while completely missing the point, something one would need very stupid to do.

Of course I'm talking down to you all, I won't lower myself to all your stupidity because I'm not a fucking code monkey. The only thing the author wanted to say was, "MC got hired for a job and fucked it up bad", everyone sensible got that, code monkeys for once in their useless lives found a place to pretend to be superior and started whining while managing to appear even dumber than they normally look like.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Translation: "My opinion is right, yours wrong".
I don't think you get to decide what is important or "pointless". And again, considering A) how many people are talking about it, you seem to be in the minority and B) The software / company is the main focus of this chapter, and no romance or comedy is present, you don't seem to have much of a leg to stand on. No one is criticizing the manga, but this specific chapter and how it was written, which consists entirely of software / company elements.

Man, that is some crazy projecting and superiority complex you got going on. No one here is whining or seems to think they're better than anyone, except you, by your own admission. Well, I guess Teasday and the other people who made this website are useless, what does that exactly make you for using this website, and the computer or cellphone you used to post on this website, which were all made possible by such people?

And he said it in a bad, inaccurate, unconvincing way, which is why it's being criticized.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Yautja Yes that's precisely my point, I am right and you're wrong. Because you don't seem to understand the basics of storytelling while whining about the author not knowing the basics of business as if that matters at all beyond the generic point he wanted to make.

Comparing the top people who actually create something with the thousands of nobody code monkeys only make you look more pathetic.

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