ugh i love their relationship sm. i kinda don't want any romance and just have their sibling relationship but that's not happening. if anyone knows of good sibling manhwa with little to no romance, please recommend me some!
I hope this doesn't go incest... I don't think it will. Their relationship is wonderful and is just like my relationship with my sister 🤔 granted we are both girls but we act the same... Which also had us mistaken for lovers at times 😬🤢 which grossed us out as siblings but yeah... So I'm just hoping their sibling relationship is just like ours (only that they are a brother and sister pair haha).
This was a really stupid chapter. Jenna is too prideful/ashamed/embarrassed to ask him herself? That was just stupid. It's very clear that she wants him to escort her. She clearly told her uncle. There is no established social etiquette that we've seen where the man should ask the woman. This just looked like a massive cop out.