This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 10

Group Leader
Sep 18, 2019
@proulout hey this may seem so fun for you to theorize and speculate but please refrain from accusing rumpi when you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about :)

yeah, fun, huh? when it's not your name being slandered? or maybe you can just shut up and say nothing instead of trying to spread baseless rumors.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2019
Now i get why you choose that name. Die like a bitxh cos the others is Die like a man. An obvious troll directed to certain groups.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
aaahhh is this a translator group fight... i won't comment on what i don't know but thanks for the translation...

still love our mc!
Nov 29, 2019
@proulout Well I don't understand why they're so aggresive with die like a b**ch? All three groups released a proper chapter. Troll means they're releasing a false chapter which they're not. I follow scanlation group drama, yes just like other nosy people .

There's a lot of theories being passed around on the server but I also agree that maybe the real big boss will reveal themselves later? Considering how these anon groups suddenly pops up out of nowhere, with fast release and pretty good quality (others might differ but they are still very readable for me). I don't think this is the work of amateur. Some shady big boss might be pulling the strings from behind and ready to claim this webtoon as theirs later~ 👏
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
@Jungsok Some people don't want to be dissapointed o check ther favorite serie, see an update, open the chapter without really checking the num then get confused as for why they don't understand the story.
Then they check, and surprise, it's the chapter 54 while the "regular groups" is still at chapter 30. Now add overreactions and pissed off people, that are nosy enough to check the comments and have an opinion about the situation, but without being"nosy" enough to go on discord to taste the freshest drama, and you get angry posts in the comments of the newest chapters.
You can be pretty sure we won't get the truth. Assuming the occam razor don't apply, it may be some retired dude from the scanlation scene that enjoy a flame war in the morning. It may be even some group that left mangadex, but still hold enough "grudges"/got bored, it already happened.

@veelyra Can't stop the free publicity you get, when you see "coincidences". Good luck though
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
@veelyra LOL why are you throwing tantrums at random bystanders if there isn't a sliver of truth in the earlier statements LOL
But hey, continue to create more trouble for your group by answering like a kindergartener, it's entertaining.
At least, until the grown ups in your group decide to do publicly something sensible about the situation.
Now, time to make use of the block function. Goodbye.
Group Leader
Sep 18, 2019
why am i suddenly a kindergartener when all i did was fucking ask
@proulout if you're a "random bystander" then why say shit when you're not even involved? all it took was to stay quiet was that so hard to do?
i have a right to "throw tantrums" because people like you can't keep your mouth shut. by speculating, you're slandering my group's name and you shouldn't have expected me to stay quiet about it. you don't like us, fine. you wanna spread baseless rumors and speculate shit? sure. but by doing so, you gave me, and the rest of the rumpi staff, to defend ourselves.
Group Leader
Sep 18, 2019
@proulout at least you edited your message. i still don't like the way you easily mentioned names, but thank you for editing that out. it's appreciated.

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