Thanks for the chapter and translation! Del being a great hubby again! So, he's CLEARLY something above or is about to/no longer a human anymore. (I do hope they adapt Rinrin's dream already. I assume that would be our clue to what Del even is). Its really sweet of him to go to the nearest nobility to get his wife the meds she needs (and a bonus, yay! A portion of her old life was shown! So, she was a swimmer?)
Such a shame they can't share body fluids... yet. I mean, at least no on saliva (so no kissing) and no blood (so we won't have a Del getting heavily injured and in need of a blood transfusion). What about his sweat, tears, pee, and s*m*n? I don't know how the earlier 3 is going to do in terms of fluid sharing but its a darn shame as of now the chances of little Del's and little Rinrin's are getting slimmer by the chapter. (So, Stand isn't COMPLETELY against the engagement. He's just worried if one of the 2 lovable idiots won't be able to hold themselves back and will result to Rinrin's death by 2nd hand drug. So, either he's aware of the 1 year contract or despite his status, he really can't stand up against Del)
@riflow Wait, JADE is involve with this gem?! Do you mean at the manhua alone or she also has some involvement with the ln?