This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 35

Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
@Gameruru yellow stone... hm i don't recall a yellow stone. can you tell me what chs it appears in/what was up with it? thank you!

@Aeriandra no need to apologize! i asked for people to discuss, and i appreciate you taking the time to explain. ^_^)9 you put things into perspective better for me, since (to me) it's been a while since i read the earlier chapters and so my impressions are more heavily based on how i feel about the latest chapters. as for your comment on kaleid having a second personality, it's not something i really considered myself. but i can see what you mean. though it's not presented as a split personality so to speak, it's clear that the kaleid ririn gets to talk to/know better is a side that's not very well known or seen.

i think what's been bugging me is that i'm not on the same wavelength as the author when it comes to understanding what's outstanding or noteworthy. for instance, i can guess at how horrible it must be to live with kaleid's level of hypersensitivity, but for whatever reason the author hasn't really conveyed to me how much it affects him. like i get that it's bad, but the author hasn't really "shown" me how bad it is. similarly, i see/remember ririn reacting much more frequently and passionately to kaleid's handsome good looks (and through no fault of her own, he is quite the looker) than, say, his murderous personality. i think i'm suffering from a lack of "show, don't tell" from the comic. but thank you for drawing the bigger picture for me, and for presenting a clearer look of ririn's situation 👍 i'll just keep my eyes peeled for some juicy kaleid back story
Dec 30, 2019
No means no. Whats the whole point of asking for consent if you can't take "no" for answer. Taking another project thats already taken under another scan's team is simply rude and selfish. And all of you trying to say they should just say yes to a collab are consenting to poor behaviour. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You would not like anyone doing this to you in real life. What is wrong with you people.
Sep 18, 2019
It's going to be the kiss on forehead, eyes and cheeks, and heading on the chamber.
Dec 17, 2019
[/spoilerCan you tell me who the white-haired guy was?What's his relationship with Bella? And do you think Rinrin and Del had sex in chapter 36?]
Sep 18, 2019
Arabella and Leylin are goddess, but Leylin lost her memories. Arbella and Calda created Kaleid to stop the war between fire God and Wind God and then he sealed those God, the white hair dude (He's wind God) appear again bc his few power still remain, Kaleid can sense his appearance and absorb his power but bc Kaleid drunk with Leylin smell (lovey dovey in the chamber) he can't sense him that's why he appeared and ask bella help for revenge.

Jan 30, 2020
Ok. Now what happened to the star fragments?
*omg I'm getting clever
Dec 17, 2019
[/spoiler Saeko13[/url] Woah I didn't know that... the chapters so far didn't say anything about Leylin's being a goddess😯 What type of God is Kaleid? How do you know so much? Where did you read this? @Saeko13
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
She's gonna end up owing him but also I want them to kiss so we can know if she's really that missing goddess though it feels too early for that story-wise.
Active member
Jun 2, 2019
I don't get why the mother looks to be cutting off ties with her by saying "this is the last letter I'll send to my daughter" and referring to her as Grand Duchess.
Jul 19, 2019
@saeko13 Obviously its fiction, however that story line came out of nowhere and it really is bullshit. There could have been so many other ways to explain why Kaleid is how he is and why she gives a scent that calms him. This is what happens when you dont plan out the plot beforehand and just create it as you go along. I'll still continue reading though, since i've made it this far and i still like the two main characters and their cuteness.
I dont really get why that, "then create your own story if you're that capable", was in there. I never said I was capable, but I actually am tho lol. I've been drawing and painting on sai/photoshop and in actual canvases for a while and have a couple of stories in mind. However, planning everything and drawing digitally takes time and as a stem major college student its just not possible atm T.T
Sep 27, 2020
@anonumosGirl what are you talking about? Maybe you should reread this- the author has BEEN dropping hints from the very beginning- I’m pretty sure this was all planned out

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