I know it's just Japan being Japan, but it's weird to me how anyone from another country tends to get totally odd hair colors. Blonde Americans? Okay, not that unusual, but they're a minority for sure. True blonde Italians or Greeks (most Mediterranean countries, tbh, though those are about the only two Japan seems to know about), which I see a lot of in manga? Have met literally less than a dozen in my life. Same with blonde Brits. More common with the French and Germans, and again moreso from the Nordic and Baltic countries, but to read a manga you'd swear no one from a generally ethnically white country has black or dark brown hair. Blonde everywhere, a lot of silver, and sprinklings of red hair, but nothing black or dark brown. I don't notice the same level of fetishization of hair colors based on country of origin in most other comic cultures, so it just throws me off every time.