To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - Vol. 16 Ch. 127 - Upset

Dec 1, 2019
Screw you..That's not how hacking work even if she was the god of hacking herself she shouldn't be able to use any machine she lands her hands on and transform herself into neo because she is soo good with computer.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2019
Active member
Mar 11, 2019
Uiharu manipulating AIM Jammers to manipulate her own AIM Field is pretty damn clever.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
She straight up matrixd this shit
I mean this is nice too but i thought she would give herself some power that eradicates black holes because thats what she said before
They better reveal that her ability isnt actually just to cool shit

Like make her a 500iq gemstone or some shit cause this is just contrived beyond insanity

Oh yeah cause everything else in this franchise is so plausible and grounded in reality
Pumping kids full of cocaine till their brain discovers how to materialize their imagination using magic sure sounds scientific to me
Dec 1, 2019
you missed the point here.What i'm raged about is the execution of the idea of her getting power up ,it seems it came out of nowhere. Don't you think doing something as huge as changing someone's AIM field need some special technology to achieve it and someone knowledgeable in the field to execute it ?!! she did something even the scientists did not thought about even Kihara family themselves by using just AIM jammers to give herself new power even though she is not knowledgeable in the field which is stupid in my opinion.
She even thought about this in a little time and was able to do calculations as if she was level 5 heck she was able to separate the dragon just because she is good at hacking!! this reminds me of what accel did to remove the virus from LO.

Apparently, this is the explanation they gave here ,she hacked AIM jammers, She hacked her AIM field to alter it and successfully removed the dragon from kimi by hacking..Come on seriously that's how you separate the dragon!!! she is only level 1 and for her to know what's the exact calculations that needed to be done to all of this just because she is good at hacking feels more like digimon world than toaru.
for me this chapter was straight up bullshit but if you find it plausible and enjoyable then good for you.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 2, 2018
You didn't like the virus removing?
Because to me that is one of the more believable things surrounding Accelerator in the novels. (The hell was up with Amata's pull away punches? that does not sound like something that would work even in the slightest bit)
Using his power to move anything as he pleases, to return a computer brain to a previous build.
But I will agree that this way of using hacking, sounds like something a bunch of the scientists should have already been doing.

That story in SS2 has always made me hate Uiharu having powers, because it makes it sound like she would be level 5 if she had been given one.
But now that she has one it seems way to weak, compared to her calculating abilities.
Mar 15, 2018
True Wildfire. In either case, this has to follow Index, so I doubt whatever this is that Uiharu is going through is permanent. More than likely going to be temporary.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
So that's just a physical manifestation of her AIM field? Interesting.
Jan 14, 2020
@Wildfire I assumed that Amata's punches worked based on Accelerator's instincts rather than the specifics of his power. Hasn't it been said he left some of the basic reflection to his subconsciousness? The way I interpreted it, even after Amata tattled how it works, Accelerator couldn't avoid it because it'd require re-wiring very basic self preservation instincts quickly and under duress. If he had a bit more time to get used to it, I think it'd stop working.

But one thing about esper powers in To Aru universe is that, while you need to be incredibly smart to reach the full potential of your power, it seems just being incredibly smart doesn't mean you will have one. For example, Nunotaba Shinobu was a child genius but the "power" she claimed to have was made up. Same for Kuriba Ryouko, huge intellect, no mentioned power. Also, I'm not sure if it still has to be spoilered, but
the Parameter List reveal in WWIII arc implied that some espers were left out of Power Curriculum because they would be less profitable to Academy City than others, and their development was stalled. Perhaps AC feared Uiharu would pose a bigger threat than they could afford or didn't realize the applications of her power.
In the end, To Aru esper powers work as the esper believes, not fully according to real life science, and here Uiharu showed really strong conviction, so I think she could pull it off.
Jun 2, 2018
And here I was impressed with this arc a while ago when Uiharu used her power to keep herself cool with thermal-locked ice cubes.

This is just fever dream nonsense.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 19, 2018
The hacking has gone beyond Hollywood level lmao! Literally hacking reality to create new esper powers? At this rate, AC will just get Uiharu to create a level 6 ez pz.
May 24, 2020
I think the AIM jammer idea is a good idea tbh.
AIM is the energy emitted by the user itself. So even if you have the calculation abilities or highly intelligent but you don't have enough energy, or your body don't have the dexterity to control it, you'll stay at low level.
For example, Accelerator, Misaka have both the energy field and the intellectual to perform crazy tasks, where Uiharu and Kuriba Ryouko have the calculation ability but don't have enough energy and physical control of their body so they stayed at low levels.

We already have a few arcs that basically the villain outsource the AIM from living human ( level upper) especially when Kirara Gensei obtained Multi Skills without such problem ( While generally researchers are most likely non-esper ). Then why should it be a surprise that Uiharu is using machine to generate and operate her own AIM and Personal Reality?

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