@reu The mom was better than the daughter because she recognized how fucked her family was and wanted something different for her kid..... Even if in the end it seems it all was to fuel her narcissism and her living through Mizuha.
Mizuha as a result ends up messed up and rotten as a person. Partly because of her Sue abilities that are never explained (she just is a sue and is good at everything) and partly because her mom sucks at parenting (dad seems clearly the absent type).
However, none of that really justify Mizuha flipping her shit like that and killing her. I mean other than Mizuha just being insane in the same way she is "good at everything"- To me it kinda came out of nowhere that her answer to her mom clearly lying to her (denial??? It wasn't like her mom was being super subtle or anything) would just be murder.
@SchultzD Same. It feels like any conflict that could arise is directly related to him being stupid.