@Kamelpov is right,
@Fmiryan56. Nectar is essentially like a precursor to Body Crystal but taken in a different direction. It's still adrenaline and seratonin and other brain produced chemicals and heavily concentrated but this is just a liquid version instead of the Body Crystal's powder form.
@Kazuraki The chefs are using Esper powers btw, this is Academy City and there hasn't been any sign of magic since the Necromancer arc. Which raises an even bigger question of how the fuck none of these people recognize or know who Accelerator is considering his #1 spot. Even if this is post-Sisters and Touma beat him already and news spread that a Level 0 won against the #1, they should still know who the fuck he is lol
Also Arata's style feels like it's getting worse, its been turning into a 70s/80s manga art style and now it just feels like it's hard to tell what's what in some panels lol i mean for fucks sake Yomikawa doesn't look anything like her LN/original or even anime version anymore lmfao