"Touman is disbanded ! But for what reason ?" Does the editor thinks that we somehow forgot the MC's goal ?
Every person who remains in Touman end up dying/having their lives ruined in the future, but I wOnDeR wHy ThEy DeCiDeD tO dIsBaNd TOuMaN ???
I thought he'd just put takamichi in charge of everything. Well I guess he's still black dragon captain might be a free for all now old gangs reforming or new ones popping up
Remember that time when Mikey killed everyone after he disbanded everyone in the "future"? Watch Takemichi end up killing Mikey for the sake of everyone else. I feel like this arc is going to be one of the better ones.
I kind of figured this might be the best possible outcome for them. But all in all, I don’t believe this will end everything. If only it was that easy...
Thanks for the chapter. Also when Takemichy goes back to the future it’ll probs be really weird like he became a mafia boss or something idk this just doesn’t seem like it’ll have better after effects