Once upon a time...
"Oh fairy god mother, I wish vengeance on my enemies."
A tale of revenge.
"Very well, dear. But you must kill them all before the bell strikes midnight!"
This summer.
"See if these bullets fit, bitch!"
Cinderella fires up.
"I'll never be able to scrub up this blood now..."
And becomes...
The HELL of the Ball!
Staring Misuzu Gundou as Cinderella
"Welcome to die, 'mother'."
Carol Olston as the Wicked Step Mother
"I'll get you, my pretty. And your little 'dog' too!"
Tomo Aizawa as the Prince
"Why can't I hold all of these limes?!"
and Junichirou Kubota as...
CINDER ELLA: Revengeance 2
This time... the glass slipper is on the other foot.
"Who throws a shoe, honestly?"
July 18, 2018
Rated R
Once upon a time...
"Oh fairy god mother, I wish vengeance on my enemies."
A tale of revenge.
"Very well, dear. But you must kill them all before the bell strikes midnight!"
This summer.
"See if these bullets fit, bitch!"
Cinderella fires up.
"I'll never be able to scrub up this blood now..."
And becomes...
The HELL of the Ball!
Staring Misuzu Gundou as Cinderella
"Welcome to die, 'mother'."
Carol Olston as the Wicked Step Mother
"I'll get you, my pretty. And your little 'dog' too!"
Tomo Aizawa as the Prince
"Why can't I hold all of these limes?!"
and Junichirou Kubota as...
CINDER ELLA: Revengeance 2
This time... the glass slipper is on the other foot.
"Who throws a shoe, honestly?"
July 18, 2018
Rated R