Tonari no Baka to Tsudzuku Uso

Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2020
10/10 gear awesome amazing masterpiece so when is season 2 when they are fucking
Active member
Mar 16, 2020
THIS is lewd, gross, disgusting, stupid and makes me overall uncomfortable.
When is the next chapter coming out? I need more, now!
Dec 14, 2020
the translator is doing the chapters in a really weird way compared to the raws. the chapters are split up a bunch by the translator so we still got a lot left.
Apr 27, 2018
@fabledbsoul which raws? Translator is translating the manga version, nothing got skipped or split up:

The raws linked on mangadex is not like the full series, there's like short pieces of the other stuff like the doujin version, one about middle school, etc.
Active member
Mar 16, 2020
Okay. regarding the TL in chapter 13. I'll come out straight too. I freakin' Love Jojo. I already liked it before I knew anything about the Story. The first thing I saw about Jojo was a stick figure reenactment made in flash of the famous Za Warudo with the Roado Roadada finisher from the Iconic Dio fight. Back then (around 2005) I had no Idea Jojo was anything else than some random Video game. Today I've comsumed so much Jojo that I can honestly say I feel it in every fiber of my body. But even I can relate if someone says they're not into the Story or the characters. What about it? It just means we have more Jojo for ourselves. That used to be a good thing. Stop forcing your interests on others!
Active member
Dec 16, 2020
Hmmmn... The first one I read that I actually followed until the end. My honest opinions. Story is dumb but can't get enough of it. It's like those bad mangas that you cant help but get addicted to. Pretty good though development wise. The art isnt that bad as well. 9/10 would recommend it. Good job as well translator pretty good translating. Never had a moment where I doubted the translation. Love the add ons as well
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2020
First Paperbag kun and now this. Two mangas I loved ended today. Though they both ended on such a happy note I can not help but feel lonely now. Someone suggest some good romcoms please.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Should you read this? Yes.
That's it, opinion ends here, really.

It's got a REALLY dumb premise, but that's okay. There's 0 drama, this is not a "realistic", drama Romance. It's a Rom/Com in the truest sense. And there's progression.
Just get your insuline ready.

@scurrat Feel free to DM with a few details of what you're looking for (more romance, more comedy? More fluff? Drama okay?) and I may be able to recommend a few.
I'd do it here, but if I want to add a couple of "explanation lines" to each recommended manga, the post will be massive 😂
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018

Agree. The summary is written in a weird way. Not really a great spoiler, but I will tag it.
Yuuri has a life threatening condition -- if she doesn't get regular doses of saliva from the opposite sex, she'll die. Luckily for her, her childhood friend Taishi is around to help. How will their relationship grow with this complication? They basically kiss every day.

... Of course, that's a lie. She got caught kissing him while he was asleep and came up with that lie to keep her sanity.

... And of course, the lie is a lie, too. By time he obviously knows she is lying, but lets her kiss him, so he is lying too.

The tale of two idiotic neighbors who just can't quite be honest with each other, begins now.

Imo a nice short entertaining diabetes rom com without much drama.
Oct 12, 2020
so our good manga here has came to an end and they became a happy couple so see you guys in other mangas i'll give this manga 8/10
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@HouYiZhang I mean, that really would be more fair and useful, right? 😅
So other people can see it too... Well, tagging @scurrat too.

Let's see if I can organize this a bit (lists are in no particular order. Don't think the ones are the top are necessarily a bigger recomendation than those at the bottom. Decided to underline my personal favorites). A couple of general things before the list:
1) I base everything on the translations. Even if a manga is completed in Japan, if the English translation (fansub) is 30 chapters behind, that's what I'm using as a reference.
2) Before starting a manga, Romance in especific, I normally ask for end spoilers. Not details, but rather whether they end up a couple or we go the stupid "they never saw each other again, but always treasured their time together" bullshit. I'll add that information in spoilers for those of you who want it before deciding.
3) I DESPISE unnecessary drama, and HATE drama in general. So if any recommendation below has a "it has a bit of drama, but"...well, that's my approach. What I mean to say is, I warn you about it, but if EVEN I can recommend the manga DESPITE the drama, you should probably give it a try.

On the more wholesome, fluff and sugar end of the spectrum
[ul]Tonari no Baka to Tsudzuku Uso ( I feel so meta, but I mean... it had to be here.[/ul]
[ul]Tsurezure Children ( Bunch of couples: tsundere, kuudere, teasing girl, gyaru, chad male... No matter your poison, you'll probably find it here (except Yaoi/Yuri, I don't think there were any such couplings). 95% sugar. This is THE Romcom.
There are a couple of pairings that have a bit of heartbreak, but it's HEAVILY hinted that they'll get their own happy ending soon after manga ends. Overall it's 99% happy endings for everyone.
[ul]Kuzumi-kun, Kuuki Yometemasu ka? ( Mix of Romance and wholesome with lots of Comedy. Art is cute and MC is just a dork. 100% recommended. Slow progress, but you can actually see the progress. It's just, it doesn't crystalize until close to the end (but it's still amazing that you can see it evolve, as opposed to many manga where there is 0 progress and then bam, couple). Don't let the Drama tag put you off, it's minimal and relevant to the progression.
Happy ending, but there IS a broken heart. Kind of a pity on what would otherwise be a 10/10 manga.
[ul]Tale of a Girl and a Delinquent Who's Bad with Women ( Another fluff with 0 drama. Plus, exploding glasses.
Happy ending ofc
[ul]Kubo-san wa Boku (Mobu) wo Yurusanai ( Teasing heroine? Kinda? I don't know, I'd say she takes more Critical Hits than she delivers, mostly cause the MC is kind of oblivious (NOT "dense", it's just his premise, he's a background character). Really wholesome, and something about how the MC is drawn just cracks me up every time.[/ul]
[ul]The Story of a Waitress and Her Customer ( This one is a hit-or-miss for many people. I'd say it's 100% floof and sugar, and the art makes the characters just adorable. But they're drawn sweating and blushing A LOT (like, 99% of the time, really), and it irks some people. I'd say it's totally okay, since the premise is that they're both virgins and inexperienced, but eh. I'd say give it a whirl and decide for yourselves.[/ul]
[ul]Kanojo mo Kanojo ( DEFINITELY on the "comedy" side. By the author of Aho Girl, know what to expect. I'm putting it here simply cause it has Harem tag AND goes for the Harem...well...not even ending. The whole premise is that he dates both girls at once. It's pretty refreshing, to be honest. (Although the consistent misuse of the word "two-timing" bothers me massively).[/ul]
[ul]Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu ( I don't think Komi-sama needs much introduction. Solid 9, but DO keep in mind that despite the fluff and comedy, the main premise is SLICE OF LIFE. There's development, but it's VERY slow. Some people are raging about how things are "not progressing", forgetting that the VERY PREMISE of the manga is Komi making friends. Also, it's not quite a Harem, but... A second heroine was introduced. It's VERY doubtful we'll go for a poly ending, so expect broken hearts (manga ongoing, so this is just my opinion).[/ul]
[ul]Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ( If you don't know THE Teasing Master I don't know what you're doing with your life. Pretty slow on the romance side, it's mostly about Takagi delivering Critical Hits on our poor sap of an MC. Mix of floof and comedy. Really recommended, but again, SLOW progression (if any), keep that in mind.[/ul]
[ul]Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san ( Sequel. They're married, have an adorable kid. 120% sugar, floof and wholesomeness. Daddy keeps getting relentlessly teased.[/ul]
[ul]Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu ( More comedy and romance than fluff, imo. Also, heroine is a bit annoying at times in my opinion. AND the progression is fucking weird, cause there's like 3 "extra chapters" per "normal chapter", and they're canon. So at some point it feels like something happened "in the future" and then you read the next chapter and nothing has happened yet. I'd say "VERY LITTLE progression". Still, it's rated quite high, and I have to admit it's pretty enjoyable.[/ul]
[ul]Sensei wa Koi o Oshierarenai ( Teacher-student relationship (and therefore a bit of an age gap), but I'd say it's pretty wholesome nonetheless. She is adamant on not doing anything until he graduates, so don't expect much on the Romance side. But they ARE (platonically) dating, so there's plenty of wholesome to go around with them taking care of each other, and him teasing her every now and then.[/ul]
[ul]Futari Ashita mo Sorenari ni ( Don't have much to say about this one, actually, save "couple antics". The description pretty much covers it. Almost 0 drama, it's basically floof and comedy (and romance ofc).[/ul]
[ul]Tonari no Furi-san ga Tonikaku Kowai ( A gyaru-looking maiden. There isn't much to say again, really. It's a pretty common trope. We have a pretty average MC (what commenters would call "fucking dense" and "fucking beta cuck", cause they lack common sense and a dictionary), and a gyaru-looking girl (with what that implies in Japan, and which most commenters seem to ignore) who takes an interest in him. But I'd say it's pretty fun. [/ul]
[ul]Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta ( The premise is pretty dumb and you'll need to use your suspension of disbelief, cause really, how often can the girl forget her glasses? If you get over that, tho, it's 100% floof and sugar. And blushing MC. Romance is...there, in a way, but progression is incredibly slow.[/ul]
[ul]Love After World Domination ( Okay, so. The leader of the Power Rangers (really) and one the Evil Organization commanders fall in love and start dating. They're both inexperienced virgins, so obviously everything goes 100% fine. There's romance and fluff, but it's mostly comedy. Silly comedy, at that. Gotta love it.[/ul]
[ul]Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san ( On that note, one of the commanders of the Evil Organization is crushing on a Hero of Justice. Hard. Like, hard. And she's pretty much a pervert. She wants his babies and won't take "no" for an answer. Forget fluff and sugar, just get your comedy. And Romance? Maybe? [/ul]
[ul]My Tiny Senpai From Work ( "My senpai at tiny and cute." 'Nuff said. Get in line for your dose of romance, sugar and floof. Also for the Chadest and Wingmannest boss of all time. This dude is God (no, really, he is God).[/ul]
[ul]A Happy Couple ( Sequel. They're living together (and married, I think? Can't remember right now). Expect more romance, sugar and floof, this time at home. Also, lots of "and lots of loving was made that night".[/ul]
[ul]Ice Guy and the Cool Female Colleague ( Relatively slow progression on the Romance side, but whole lot of wholesome. And ice, lots of ice.[/ul]
[ul]Awkward Senpai ( I can't say much about this one either. It's pretty much antics of a senpai-kouhai at work, and how she wants to be a "good senpai" but can't quite get there. Plenty of "kyun"s to go around with each chapter, tho.[/ul]

On the more Slice of Life end of the spectrum
[ul]Gal Gohan ( Food and gyaru antics, and a pretty honest gyaru at that. There's progression, if not exactly super fast. Harem tag, so multiple heroines.
Mainstream relationship. Happy ending for the main heroine, REAL broken heart for on of the others. Broken heart for 3rd, but on minor scale
Honestly, I'm not sure whether to count this one as "good" or not. I just happen to have finished it a couple of days ago, so it was on my mind.[/ul]
[ul]Yancha Gal no Anjou-san ( Another gyaru, teasing heroine. I'd say harsh-ish teasing. She actually bothers me a bit quite often, but she reflects and grows. Slow progression, but progression nonetheless. [/ul]
[ul]Ore Monogatari!! ( I put it on this list cause it really does focus on the Romance and SoL aspects, covering the 3 years of highschool. But that is NOT to say there isn't sugar and fluff, there's plenty to go around. There's...uh...amazing progression? Cause they pretty much start dating at chapter 3. The story is more about how they date, rather than the whole "should I tell him/her I like him/her" thing. (Amazing, I know. Who'd have thought you CAN make a manga where the MCs are actually dating. Mind=blown). A bit of drama here and there, but generally moderate AND serving a purpose. Also resolved pretty fast.
There are a couple of broken hearts, which is kind of a shame, but our MCs get their happy ever after. Go for it, really.
[ul]Ase to Sekken ( A hidden gem I discovered not long ago. If you haven't given it a try yet, get on with it. Again, I put it here cause it leans more heavily on the SoL and Romance side (what with them being adults), but the whole thing is wholesomeness made physical. (Word to the wise, every now and then there's a few steamy panels, so if you're the type that for some weird reason thinks sex disqualifies wholesome...well, pity you. To be clear, no nipples or anything, nothing too graphic. It just clearly shows they are, in fact, having sex. That's it). Also, very important. It's an adult relationship, and it tackles some very realistic issues: insecurities about the relationship, how to deal with it in the workplace, living together, etc. So expect a bit of drama. HOWEVER. NONE of that drama is unnecessary shit (like most drama in most manga). It brings up an issue, they discuss it like adults, they solve it, they move on. Last warning, the first chapter may rub a few of you the wrong way, cause the MC comes in...a bit too strong. But really, give it at least 3-4 chapters. It really is a gem. [/ul]
[ul]Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge ( Romance is almost nonexistent, tbh. To the point where with the manga ended (17 to go with scanlation) I don't know if there's an actual romance ending. But really, the chapters that do hint at romance are just fluffy and wholesome like few other things. I put it here cause it's more on the "relaxed SoL" side than anything else.[/ul]

Alright, well... I think that's about. I'm about to hit "Submit", let's see how it looks... 😅

EDIT: Yeah, okay, no 😂
Added "Spoiler" for each list to hide it so the post isn't as massive.

EDIT 2: I didn't put EVERYTHING here cause the lists were already long enough, so I went for the ones I'd recommend the most. But if you want a few more, I just made my MDex list public, so check my profile.

EDIT 3: For some weird reason Kuzumi-kun in my list here in MD, so added. It deserved an edit.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@rockandstone Glad I could be of service, if any of those are new for you ^^

And of course, do go ahead and recommend some yourself if you have any. I'm always on the lookout for floof and romance (again, for the romance I want my happy endings, so I'd appreciate the end spoiler).

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