This is the third time I have seen that happen in a manga.Bro really got kidnapped and dragged lmao 🤣
The meme vault beckons from beyond the pale.
Amusing, then?Omoshiroi =/= Funny
3. With cats watching. I have plenty of stories from cat owners about cats observing the process.No. 1: Probably because of a cat
No. 2: Probably because of a cat
No. 3: Probably... okay, maybe not this one...
Have you ever heard cat intercourse? Weird question ik, but I do not want to even think about Seno and Nekozane being influenced by THAT.No. 1: Probably because of a cat
No. 2: Probably because of a cat
No. 3: Probably... okay, maybe not this one...
Considering how she acts like Vanilla from Nekopara, I’d imagine her re-enacting scenes from Nekopara to get him goingNo. 1: Probably because of a cat
No. 2: Probably because of a cat
No. 3: Probably... okay, maybe not this one...
They have the chemistry for a spin-off for surethese two club members should get a spin off