I really did hope nobody die, Torako will probably survive because she's a fucking monster but don't tell me the little girl is gonna die. Even if it's axed, end on a death is pretty dark such a silly manga.
Because since the magazine ended rather than it being cancelled in the magazine, it's technically either on hiatus until it finds a new magazine, or it's completed because the author technically is giving it an ending (albeit a rushed one).
@IMadcat6204 I think she could hold her own against the Hulk! Actually I think she could be the only female that could handle being married to a Hulk Black Widow would have been destroyed. 😳
Lmao might as well go ALL OUT if you know you have to end it Also reminds me of some horror manga that had the same premise, train gets wrecked in tunnel during field trip but only a few survive... I wonder what it was called.