Should be a teaser for a new game, kind of how they did it with hidden star in four seasons which coincided with chapters 40 and 41. Also coincides with the release date on each chapter in Japan with it happening every 2 months the next chapter happens a month before Reitaisai,
Some predictions:
The release of the game which is plausible due to the fact that if they choose comiket 96 they would have to release 4 chapters which is still possible but seems unlikely due to how much content there is in each chapter
The plot would probably send players into different hells as the stages,
My guess on the playable chars would probably be something along the lines of having either choices with a backup or a supporting item and a char
Playable chars would probably include the six people already investigating, Tenshi and Komachi, Marisa and Sanae, and finally a small possibility of Reimu and Kasen.
The reason I say Kasen and Reimu has a chance is partially because Reimu rarely looses in canon and that they are a pair and would make sense together. The reason it is small is the fact that since there probably will only be one more chapter before the new game and the trend that is making Reimu less OP, for example she loses to Okina due to trickery as well as food poisoning in a recent chapter. And it would make sense as the reason the other characters are trying to get into hell.