Touhou Ibara Kasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit. - Vol. 7 Ch. 31 - Who Spared the Rabbits?

Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
Tewi is one of my favourites and her portrayal here certainly didn't disappoint. Azuma did an amazing job of making her seemingly cute, but also shady as fuck.

This chapter also has some really dark and disturbing parts when you think about it. Like Kasen said, Tewi is deliberately selling her own kind so that they will go through the suffering and abandonment needed to become youkai. The reason she's trying to raise a large number of youkai is left ambiguous but Legacy of the Lunatic Kingdom heavily implies she's up to something.
In one of Reimu's endings, Tewi questions her about the Lunarian forces and admits that the reason she's asking so many questions about them is so she can find their weakness.
In any case, Tewi is frequently underestimated because she's just a mere rabbit youkai but she's actually one of the oldest characters in Touhou and youkai get stronger with age so it's quite possible she's actually really powerful, especially if her luck granting ability can be applied to herself. She's basically the queen of the earth rabbits and notably, the Kaguya crew are technically her guests whose antics she tolerates rather than the other way around.

Also Tewi's Title, "The Bare Rabbit of Fine Words and Flattery" references the fact that she was skinned alive in her original legend. How hardcore is that?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
That was.... a bit unsettling. So Tewi is training her rabbit the up and downs of lifes huh. I won't be surprised if that's just a ruse though, and Tewi just send them as some sort of spies, knowing who Eirin is and all.

[Page 27, panel 2] Oh yeah, didn't realize that before. I guess the artist got confused between right and left arm, because the accessory is also the one Kasen used for her left arm

@Mr_Stizblee I disagree about the "she's really powerful" part. The myth Hare of Inaba based on doesn't exactly showoff much power after all, so she probably let Eirin becomes her master because she wants to have power (political power in Gensokyo, with Eientei being a thing)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
@Grimmycoffee Tewi being secretly powerful is just a popular fan theory and (probably) nothing more. It really doesn't have anything to do with her myth, it's more about how the myth itself took place thousands and thousands of years ago, how her ability can manipulate luck, and how we know from Yuuka that normally weak youkai can end up insanely strong just from age.

Eirin isn't Tewi's master. They have a deal where Tewi allows them to stay on her territory, The Bamboo Forest of the Lost, and even helps them sometimes in exchange for Eirin teaching the rabbits science and medicine, and providing medical treatment for the rabbits. Outside of being an amazing doctor, Eientei actually doesn't have much political clout, in Gensokyo at least. This is mostly because they are still in hiding and are pretending to be humans and very few characters outside the playable Imperishable Night cast are even aware that they're Lunarians. Similarly to the Scarlet Devil Mansion they aren't a major faction trying to control Gensokyo behind the scenes like the Tengu, the Tanuki, Moriya Shrine, the Buddhists, the Taoists, or Hell. They're basically just seen as a bunch of suspicious, self proclaimed "humans" living in the woods.

The source for most of this info is in Silent Sinner in Blue/Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, and a little Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red.

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