Training Regimes of the World’s Strongest Women - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Basque Rubia Tournament

Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
haaa... they could choose the happy harem way...

Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
You guys still hating on Giselle misread or misinterpreted her entire plot.

First of all, she did not 'try to kill him'. Was she trying to beat him up to make him give up trying to be an adventurer? Yes. Did she go too far in her treatment of him? Yes. But in her own somewhat twisted fashion, she was worried about him due to what happened to her brother and unfortunately she isn't smart enough to have figured out a better way through the situation. She is clearly trying her best to make amends.

Personally, I'm giving her a chance, time will tell what she does with it.
Bro, whatever her reason was at the start, the girl was crazy evil when she confronted MC in the forest. She most likely had lost her reason. Let's say that her totally lethal and aggresive attacks wasn't meant to kill MC. Still, she wanted to break MC down physically and mentally, fully intended to incapacitate him to the extend of him being unable to ever go back to tattle to the teachers. In a monster-infested forest. There were only two possible results if she succeeded, if neither the boss monster or MC's masters appeared.

One, MC got incapacitated, and then helplessly get killed by monsters in the forest after being left there. Because Giselle can't bring him back to the academy. What if he tattle? Her image would get even worse. So Giselle would most likely leave him there, ignoring that there'd be monsters in monster-infested forest.

Two, MC got broken down, Giselle brought him out from the forest without being witnessed somehow, to somewhere far away from the authorities and the academy, with MC being permanently disabled in some way (physically or mentally) so that MC can't ever go back and tattle. MC would live with his dream of being an adventurer killed, suffering in adventurer-focused society for the rest of life traumatized or invalid. But well, I guess he still lives.

I agree with this completely. TLer-kun has already said that the JP text says she was never trying to kill him. She wanted to beat him up and show he ain’t strong enough to make it as an adventurer which, if those masters had never shown up, was an accurate view of him. He was level 1, had no job or skills and was lousy at fighting. Logically speaking he shouldn’t have been Pursuing that job and gone with something far safer that fit what he could do. Not to mention that his weakness could cause his future party mates to end up dying in a battle cause of him.

Honestly she shouldn’t be as hated as she is. Did she go about it wrong? Definitely. However she was trying to protect him in her own way as she feels it is on her to protect the orphans which the MC is one of. She is trying to make it up to him in one of the only ways she can think of and she shouldn’t be blasted for that.
Bro, you can kill someone without specifically intended to, and her attacks in that forest was clearly murderous. Especially if MC was really as weak as she thought. MC could only survive because he was much much stronger than before. And you also ignored how she acted when she got beaten by MC. She wasn't worried about MC or his future teammates. If she did, she would be happy because MC finally got stronger. No, she only didn't want to stop bullying MC and flaunting her superiority, which was why she got so angry. Her superior image got sullied made her so angry it led to the confrontation in the forest.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
One, MC got incapacitated, and then helplessly get killed by monsters in the forest after being left there. Because Giselle can't bring him back to the academy. What if he tattle? Her image would get even worse. So Giselle would most likely leave him there, ignoring that there'd be monsters in monster-infested forest.

Two, MC got broken down, Giselle brought him out from the forest without being witnessed somehow, to somewhere far away from the authorities and the academy, with MC being permanently disabled in some way (physically or mentally) so that MC can't ever go back and tattle. MC would live with his dream of being an adventurer killed, suffering in adventurer-focused society for the rest of life traumatized or invalid. But well, I guess he still lives.
Your two points would only make sense if magic wasn’t a thing. They were going to beat him up, make him realize how powerless he truly was and then heal most of his injuries and use a cover story that the reason he was hurt was cause he tried to fight a low level monster but lost. Even if he tried to say it was her that was the one who hurt him people would have dismissed it as the goslings of a weakling who was trying to make excuses for why he got hurt. Not to mention it would be theiir word versus his and they’re way more known then he is. They’re not going to side with a newbie over a party that people are thinking they will see great things from.

Not sure why you think they’d have brought him to the academy instead of the adventurers guild. I’m also not sure why you think leaving him for dead or breaking his bones or mind are the only things they would do.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
Bro, whatever her reason was at the start, the girl was crazy evil when she confronted MC in the forest. She most likely had lost her reason. Let's say that her totally lethal and aggresive attacks wasn't meant to kill MC. Still, she wanted to break MC down physically and mentally, fully intended to incapacitate him to the extend of him being unable to ever go back to tattle to the teachers. In a monster-infested forest. There were only two possible results if she succeeded, if neither the boss monster or MC's masters appeared.

One, MC got incapacitated, and then helplessly get killed by monsters in the forest after being left there. Because Giselle can't bring him back to the academy. What if he tattle? Her image would get even worse. So Giselle would most likely leave him there, ignoring that there'd be monsters in monster-infested forest.

Two, MC got broken down, Giselle brought him out from the forest without being witnessed somehow, to somewhere far away from the authorities and the academy, with MC being permanently disabled in some way (physically or mentally) so that MC can't ever go back and tattle. MC would live with his dream of being an adventurer killed, suffering in adventurer-focused society for the rest of life traumatized or invalid. But well, I guess he still lives.

Bro, you can kill someone without specifically intended to, and her attacks in that forest was clearly murderous. Especially if MC was really as weak as she thought. MC could only survive because he was much much stronger than before. And you also ignored how she acted when she got beaten by MC. She wasn't worried about MC or his future teammates. If she did, she would be happy because MC finally got stronger. No, she only didn't want to stop bullying MC and flaunting her superiority, which was why she got so angry. Her superior image got sullied made her so angry it led to the confrontation in the forest.
So, a few things to unpack here. First and foremost, calling her 'evil' is going WAY too far to demonize her and is just patently untrue. Misguided and arrogant, sure. But evil? No. If she was evil, she would have just sneak attacked him where he would have no chance to defend himself and either killed him or left him for dead.

Secondly, we are forgetting one very important detail about Giselle. How old is she? 14-16 at MOST? Clearly not considered an adult yet in this world since she's at this adventurer's school, unless I'm misremembering something. I don't know about you, while I was quite mature for my age group, when I was that age I did not have a complete control or understanding of my thoughts and emotions to be able to properly handle every situation I found myself in. And I didn't have the added pressure and expectations of being the de facto leader of a group of orphans PLUS having a rare and powerful job. That amount of power and responsibility (with all the positives and negatives that implies) would go to ANY teen's head, especially in a 'might is right' culture such as theirs. She was sure that what she was doing was the correct course of action, even when reality was trying to tell her otherwise, because she was blinded by both her newfound power and her past trauma.

At least she has shown remorse for her actions (in her own way), and is trying to make amends. But, sure, demonize the girl and refuse to give her a second chance.

Might wanna drop the story, because clearly she is going to stick around.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2023
Not gonna comment much on Giselle, but it's funny to see the visceral hatred that she's getting in the English community (And I don't mean only on MD) compared to Japanese readers, which are more accepting of her, or outright like her, only thing is that some wishes the switch have been smoother.

The reality is that Japanese don't mind this kind of development (The evil girl going all lovey-dovey after changing her ways), which is why characters like her will pop up here and there for as long as manga is a thing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
“Hey Cross, remember how last time I invited you to a quest it was a setup for a self-admitted lynching attempt? Here’s another quest, let’s do it together.“

”Yes, that sounds good to me. I have no self-preservation instinct whatsoever.“
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
I agree with this completely. TLer-kun has already said that the JP text says she was never trying to kill him. She wanted to beat him up and show he ain’t strong enough to make it as an adventurer which, if those masters had never shown up, was an accurate view of him. He was level 1, had no job or skills and was lousy at fighting. Logically speaking he shouldn’t have been Pursuing that job and gone with something far safer that fit what he could do. Not to mention that his weakness could cause his future party mates to end up dying in a battle cause of him.

Honestly she shouldn’t be as hated as she is. Did she go about it wrong? Definitely. However she was trying to protect him in her own way as she feels it is on her to protect the orphans which the MC is one of. She is trying to make it up to him in one of the only ways she can think of and she shouldn’t be blasted for that.
sooo, if the Japanese text explains that she never intended to kill him, why is it translated this chapter as 'lynching'? Cuz, either the author or the TL doesn't understand what that word means if that's the case...I get everything else but this is the (very specific) shit that confuses me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
The problem I have with Giselle is how the author (and seemingly the people who defend her) try to minimize/rugsweep her actions. Whatever good intentions Giselle had, and I use that term very loosely, were clearly discarded after she got her ass handed to her in the duel during Cross' recertification exam. That should have been a huge wake-up call to her that she was wrong about him being a lost cause, as someone had managed to uncover hidden potential within him. A decent person would likely do some soul-searching/introspection and reach the not-too-difficult realization that: 1) It is not his/her place to dictate to others how to live their lives, and 2) Even the most hopeless of cases might have a chance to succeed if nurtured, or at the very least if not mercilessly trampled under foot.

Instead of that, or even just demanding a rematch as a chance to redeem herself/prove him winning was a fluke, she chooses to avenge her wounded pride and ego. Under the guise of burying the hatchet by going on a mission together, she lures him out into a monster-infested forest, literally tries to backstab him when she thinks his guard has been sufficiently lowered, and when that fails then gangs up on him with her cronies. The hypocrite even has the audacity to deliver a speech brimming with sanctimony and sophistry trying to justify her actions because she'll be looked down on and mistreated for being seen as weak (for losing to Cross). And she knows this because she's seen it happen to Cross. Hell, she even goes out of her way to remind him of it during their confrontation because, as you may recall, SHE WAS THE PRIMARY/MOST CONSPICUOUS PERPETRATOR! But it's fine when she does it because she's strong, has talent, stands to lose more, blah blah blah.

At this point, it is crystal clear that even if they don't intend to kill him (which is still a very plausible outcome when you have FIVE PEOPLE ATTACKING ONE WITH WEAPONS AND MAGIC), then at the very least they hope to permanently injure, disable, and/or demoralize him. I also don't buy the argument that they would leave him in a state where he could potentially tell people what really happened. What makes me so sure? The fact that an entire arena/colosseum full of people witnessed Cross defeat Giselle in a fair and sanctioned fight. Do you really think that no one would suspect foul-play and believe Giselle attacked him as retribution? Rion (Dragon Lady) immediately came to that conclusion upon finding them passed-out in the woods. I would also be surprised if an investigation wasn't conducted; one that could and likely would reveal his injuries weren't consistent with being attacked by a monster. Given all that, can you perhaps understand why so many people would come to the conclusion that she was trying to kill him, or at the very least ruin his life for her own twisted and selfish reasons, and thus hate her for it? She's a treacherous, two-faced bully who dodged three nukes worth of karma (Cross' masters), heel-turned at lightspeed into being a possible love interest, and is possibly being setup for a redemption arc without having done anything to deserve forgiveness and reconciliation at this point. Shit like that is why people like me despise her.

That all said, it doesn't ruin the story or make it completely unbelievable (to me at least). Sometimes shitty people get away with doing shitty things, only to get their comeuppance later on down the road. Giselle may not have to suffer the same fate she tried to visit on Cross, nor will our Mr. Nice-Guy MC be likely to expose her misdeeds to everyone at this point. Hell, she may even become something approaching a likeable character (or at the very least tolerable) as the story progress; however, she'll likely never obtain what she really wants now. What would probably make her far happier than pride, power, and fame: the love and affection of the man who cared enough to save her life after she so recklessly disregarded and purposefully endangered his.

EDIT: Spelling, grammar, clarification and expansion of arguments
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
You guys still hating on Giselle misread or misinterpreted her entire plot.

First of all, she did not 'try to kill him'. Was she trying to beat him up to make him give up trying to be an adventurer? Yes. Did she go too far in her treatment of him? Yes. But in her own somewhat twisted fashion, she was worried about him due to what happened to her brother and unfortunately she isn't smart enough to have figured out a better way through the situation. She is clearly trying her best to make amends.

Personally, I'm giving her a chance, time will tell what she does with it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
The problem I have with Giselle is how the author (and seemingly the people who defend her) seem to minimize her actions. Whatever good intentions Giselle had, and I use that term very loosely, were clearly discarded after she got her ass handed to her in the duel during Cross' recertification exam. That should have been a huge wake-up call to her that she was wrong about him being a lost cause, as someone (either a third-party and/or Cross himself) had managed to uncover some potential within him. A decent person would likely do some soul-searching/introspection and reach the not-too-difficult realization that: 1) It is not his/her place to dictate to others how to live their lives, and 2) Even the most hopeless of cases might have a chance to succeed if nurtured, or at least if not mercilessly trampled under foot.

Instead of that, or at the very least demanding a rematch as a chance to redeem herself, she instead chooses to avenge her wounded pride and ego. Under the guise of burying the hatchet by going on a mission together, she lures him out into a monster-infested forest, literally tries to backstab him when she thinks his guard has been sufficiently lowered, and when that doesn't work literally gangs up on him with her cronies. The hypocrite even has the audacity to deliver a speech brimming with sanctimony and sophistry trying to justify her actions because she'll be looked down on and mistreated for being seen as weak (for losing to Cross). And she knows this because she's seen it happen in reverse to Cross. Hell, she even goes out of her way to remind him of it during the fight because, as you may recall, SHE WAS THE PRIMARY/MOST CONSPICUOUS PERPETRATOR! But it's fine when she does it because she's strong, has talent, stands to lose more, blah blah blah.

At this point, it is crystal clear that even if they don't intend to kill him (which could very well happen anyway) then at the very least they hope to permanently injure, disable, and/or demoralize him. I also don't buy the argument that they would leave him in a state where he could potentially tell people what really happened. What makes me so sure? The fact that an entire arena/colosseum full of people witnessed Cross defeat Giselle in a fair and sanctioned fight. Do you really think that no one would suspect foul-play and believe Giselle attacked him as retribution? That an investigation wouldn't be conducted and possibly reveal his injuries aren't consistent with being attacked by a monster? Given all that, can you maybe understand now why so many people would come to the conclusion that she was trying to kill him and thus hate her for it? She's a treacherous, two-faced bully who dodged three nukes worth of karma (Cross' masters), heel-turned at lightspeed into being a possible love interest, and is possibly being setup for a redemption arc. Shit like that is why people like me despise her.

That all said, it doesn't ruin the story or make it completely unbelievable (to me at least). Sometimes shitty people get away with doing shitty things, only to get their comeuppance later on down the road. Giselle may not have to suffer the same fate she tried to visit on Cross, nor will our Mr. Nice-Guy MC be likely to expose her misdeeds to everyone now; however, she'll likely never obtain what she's after now. What would probably make far happier than pride, power, and fame. The love and affection of the man who cared enough to save her life after she so recklessly disregarded and purposefully endangered his.

Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Your two points would only make sense if magic wasn’t a thing. They were going to beat him up, make him realize how powerless he truly was and then heal most of his injuries and use a cover story that the reason he was hurt was cause he tried to fight a low level monster but lost. Even if he tried to say it was her that was the one who hurt him people would have dismissed it as the goslings of a weakling who was trying to make excuses for why he got hurt. Not to mention it would be theiir word versus his and they’re way more known then he is. They’re not going to side with a newbie over a party that people are thinking they will see great things from.

Not sure why you think they’d have brought him to the academy instead of the adventurers guild. I’m also not sure why you think leaving him for dead or breaking his bones or mind are the only things they would do.
Which would more or less somewhat similar to my second possibility. Break him down physically first, and then mentally (traumatize him badly and then humiliate him in public). Not dead, maybe no permanent physical injury, only his mental and image would be gone. But that's just specifics. The most important point is, how is that for the good of MC? She just didn't want to accept their lost and him getting stronger. For what good reason did they have to destroy MC's life? MC was clearly quite strong already, but everytime MC showed more of his power she got angrier instead.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
So, a few things to unpack here. First and foremost, calling her 'evil' is going WAY too far to demonize her and is just patently untrue. Misguided and arrogant, sure. But evil? No. If she was evil, she would have just sneak attacked him where he would have no chance to defend himself and either killed him or left him for dead.
That's just a different level of evilness. I never said that she's totally and absolutely evil. But her acts was still evil.

Secondly, we are forgetting one very important detail about Giselle. How old is she? 14-16 at MOST? Clearly not considered an adult yet in this world since she's at this adventurer's school, unless I'm misremembering something. I don't know about you, while I was quite mature for my age group, when I was that age I did not have a complete control or understanding of my thoughts and emotions to be able to properly handle every situation I found myself in. And I didn't have the added pressure and expectations of being the de facto leader of a group of orphans PLUS having a rare and powerful job. That amount of power and responsibility (with all the positives and negatives that implies) would go to ANY teen's head, especially in a 'might is right' culture such as theirs. She was sure that what she was doing was the correct course of action, even when reality was trying to tell her otherwise, because she was blinded by both her newfound power and her past trauma.
Even in modern times underage crime is still a crime you know. And she didn't even have right justification.

At least she has shown remorse for her actions (in her own way), and is trying to make amends. But, sure, demonize the girl and refuse to give her a second chance.
It's not that I really don't want to give her a second chance. It's just that she should have actually earned it. After getting punished. Repercussions of her misdeeds. But no, she got away without even a slap to the wrist.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
That's just a different level of evilness. I never said that she's totally and absolutely evil. But her acts was still evil.

Even in modern times underage crime is still a crime you know. And she didn't even have right justification.

It's not that I really don't want to give her a second chance. It's just that she should have actually earned it. After getting punished. Repercussions of her misdeeds. But no, she got away without even a slap to the wrist.
Biggest problem with your argument is that her actions were not reported as a crime. No one but Cross, his masters and the other orphans even know about the attack on Cross. I do agree that Cross was a bit too soft on her and forgave her too easily, but that's just how naive good-natured protagonists are.

I am not trying to defend her actions or sweep them under the rug, but clearly the author is making everyone move past all of this. So, all we can really do is hope that she actually works to atone for how she treated Cross, which does appear to be the case right now. Go right ahead and dislike her, that's fine. But even if her actions weren't truly justified, not taking the effort to understand her motivations is a disservice to the character.

Again, I am giving her a proper second chance to prove herself.

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