Transfer Student - Ch. 38

Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
Thank you so much for the chapter, can't wait to read the next one <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

@ShinyPantsu I'm also kinda lost but, seeing what Daeun did in this chapter she could be doing the same but in another context.
in this chapter, no matter how you look at it, it's still harassment what she did, maybe she was trying to get the brown haired girl to admit she hates Daeun because she was getting too close to the girl she liked, like admitting she likes girls, something like that idk..
Sep 5, 2020
This homophobe is really irritating. Can she just leave them alone so they might be able to proper develop their relationship? But nooooo! The annoying piece of work just had to try to find out everyone's sexual orientation so she could bully them and not be the only imbecile in the entire school.

That is her goal, isnt it? To have someone else who is just as a despicable creature as she is so she wouldnt feel guilty over her hate. In other words, to feel so empowered that she could pretend that she was above consequences.

Its easier to treat other people like trash if one lie to themselves and pretend that they arent human.

What a horrible character. She has no redeeming qualities.
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2019
I get what you're saying, but I always like to give people a chance, so maybe she has a plan in mind and she's not just trying to annoy everyone. I guess we'll see...
Sep 5, 2020
Sigh... Sorry, she just pisses me off.

Regardless of her ulterior reasons, she is a horrible person for the way she keeps acting towards her so called friend. This trashy character(thats is her new name, by the way) doesnt even get that she is a homophobe and I doubt anyone but her wouldnt notice how terrible she acts. I despise these kind of people, therefore, I have far less patience towards their development as a character.

If she does get better, I have no idea if I will be able to do much but tolerate her. She really left a terrible impression on me.
Jul 22, 2020
I don't think its fair to label her a homophobe. The black hair girl clearly loves the orange hair girl like a sister, cares about how she feels, treats her very well, trusts her a lot. And orange hair girl is just abusing that by layering affection on her like its going to change her orientation. Its a flat out betrayal of the trust black her girl gives her and an abuse of the part of her self and her emotions that she left in the care of someone she thought was a sister to her. This is traumatic and extremely stressful, especially when it keeps occurring, when orange hair girl keeps pushing. Black hair girl's reaction in this situation is a perfectly normal reaction to the amount of stress she's been under trying to reconcile the feelings of betrayal and love conflicting within her, and that's before we even consider the fact that she's an immature 16yo girl that's scared she's losing her best friend just because she can't love her that way. Is it not normal to be severely discomfited in this situation? Maybe she's been developing into a homophobe because of the way she's being treated? Its totally unfair to her to expect her to be able to handle this maturely and with grace and especially cruel to turn on her after you've done the damage, talking about her behind her back like she's some unreasonable bigot when she hasn't even had a proper conversation with her, just unloading all her problems on her like she's obligated to be there for her, blaming everything that's gone wrong on some warped sense of righteousness that states you must be correct because you're gay. Black hair needs help, she needs a friend, and instead she's getting a knife in her back when she's at her lowest.
Oct 19, 2020
Yeah I honestly don't think the black haired girl is that bad, I'd feel pressured too in her situation and she doesn't seem to have any other close friends other than orange haired girl.
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2019
Daeun may not be homophobic per se, I think she's just uncomfortable that her friend has feelings for her, and she doesn't know how to deal with that. I suspect she just wants things to return to how they used to be, without these troublesome feelings.

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