Go and check our patreon when was the last time we provided early releases. And I don't care about reddit, since I don't even know what it's for. Check the facts yourself and then accuse. You fake named person.
Source: https://mangadex.org/chapter/563477 (3 days ago) huh?
Source: https://www.patreon.com/renascencescans (right now)
[Also it's easier to setup a discord role system to give early access chapters via patreon assigned roles which is more likely]
To be fair both your pieces of evidence aren't very good evidence. They've been using that same credits page since the beginning (or close to) and while the patreon is still up they haven't put any new chapters behind a paywall for 5 months
Even if that was the case, then it's almost worse, it's false advertising to readers. @JellyFace
The credit pages repeatedly say that they give early access via patreon, which are paywalls. Then it doesn't exist, that's literally lying to readers and scamming them.
So either they're using paywalls and forcing people to pay for scanlation which is wrong or they're scamming readers with false advertising.
yes we still use the same credit page for some of the series, we might have missed to edit them, thats a fault from our end. but we notified our patrons that we wont be giving early releases. and thats all there is to it. and if u cannt digest it, i cant help you.