Tsuihou Suru Gawa no Monogatari - Ch. 18 - Est's Hesitation

Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
Well, now that Est is out of the picture as a banished, this is just a normal harem fantasy story now right?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2023
The entire guild scene would take around 10 minutes in order to get the news, or 5 minutes if an adventurer had a teleport scroll(if those even exist), then another 5 minutes to organize a dungeon raid, then 10 more minutes to get to the dungeon area, and an extra 3 in order to get to where the girls are. Easily enough time for the demon to kill the girls, take a nap, and then leave
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
"Hey Est, don't save your childhood friend whom you cherished in the past even though you've been shown to be more capable or even if we team up we have a better chance.

No, that would diminish my worth and it would surely cockblock me, even though I don't wink wink want a harem."

The justifications this manga gives out just so Est can't amend/fix his relationship with his childhood friend and former party members. I just baffles me! What is the f*cking end goal?!
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
Wouldn't it make more sense for Est to delegate his members to evac while he go face the threat as well?
But Daru can't let Est look good in the eyes of Athena nor risk them clearing up the misunderstanding, otherwise he can't get her virginity!

Honestly, it makes much more sense for the guy that can buff himself and others and has been rising the ranks to go instead of an old guy of a party that has decayed since Est left. We know Daru is holding back his real power (so he could have saved Est before the banishment), but only the readers have that context. For everyone else, it doesn't make any sense that Daru would go and not Est. If anything, they should go together!

And as always the author doesn't understand what he's writing. Daru is giving Est a moral lesson here about not letting the girls be consumed by the desire of revenge, BUT DARU HIMSELF FUELED EST'S DESIRE FOR REVENGE EVERY TIME THEY MET and that only made Est stronger and got him some friends who wouldn't betray him like Athena did!

To top that, we have the "I'm actually strong than all of you" loli lesbian elf. I have a lot to complain about her, but that's for the upcoming chapters, so I'll leave it here for now.

The following chapters will be devoid of Daru for a while, and that actually improves the enjoyment levels.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2023
People like to nitpick on this manga for no reason other than herd mentality.
It's mediocre sure but like, why spend on time writing long ass comment for absolutely nothing.
Ain't gonna lie, some will hate for hating's sake.

That being said, a good chunk wasn't exactly thrilled to see how it went in the first place, considering that Est was banished and that the other party members allowed it to happen. Daru was holding back for the most asinine reason and the elf mage was somehow middle/frontline instead of the back like Est was all for the sake of hoping to savor some Athena Peach.

Out of all of them, Est was the patsy and Athena was the only one dumb enough to think that banishing to protect him was a good idea. I'll give Daru this though: He voted against the idea until he relented at Athena and probably the elf girl's persistence.

Est is leader of his own team though, and while Daru did have some good advice on that front, it doesn't salvage his character for the fact that instead of talking it out earlier on, they kicked him out on false pretenses and that made this entire situation possible in the first place.

Besides, why couldn't they just introduce the dragon girl as a fifth member and have even more firepower? Est would've happily buffed that one and made her unstoppable.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
Eh, that's seriously a stupid lecture.
He basically assumed that Est will die if he goes. But Est's record have shown that his party is better.
So, what makes him the only one qualified to save them?
Why not just work together?
And that stuff about Est's party would regret or feel revenge, how about his regret and revenge if his childhood friend dies?

Really, I can only see the real reason as he doesn't want Est and Athena to have their moments.
Jun 6, 2024
Eh, that's seriously a stupid lecture.
He basically assumed that Est will die if he goes. But Est's record have shown that his party is better.
So, what makes him the only one qualified to save them?
Why not just work together?
And that stuff about Est's party would regret or feel revenge, how about his regret and revenge if his childhood friend dies?

Really, I can only see the real reason as he doesn't want Est and Athena to have their moments.
Thank you.

Honestly, at this point someone should just make a fanfiction about this story AND give it a proper story or something similar to this story's theme, and yes, I'm aware there are many 'banished/kicked from X' stories, its just this one did everything wrong and somehow makes it worst.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
What a retarded reason to keep him from going lol. Its almost like he doesn't want him to interact with Athena at all. Est is obviously OP (and currently ranked higher than his entire part), just tell the new girls to attend the town and let him handle the threat.

For all intents and purposes, it should have been Est who advise the lazy drunktard (seemingly) to stay behind. Why do they act like people are aware of Daru's smurfing including Est himself. Even the guild itself should directly stop Daru from leaving because he is weak (as far as they know)
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Group Leader
Dec 15, 2023
People like to nitpick on this manga for no reason other than herd mentality.
It's mediocre sure but like, why spend on time writing long ass comment for absolutely nothing.
Because for me at least it's more entertaining writing essays about how trash it is than reading it.
Group Leader
Dec 15, 2023
Once again another chapter of Dale being "the good guy" telling Est how he's wrong endangering his party and Est accepting it like a scolded puppy. Suddenly all of their successes mean nothing in the face of Dale's words. Where's the fire that fueled Est's drive that made him and his team stronger than his old party? Also they're adventurers, danger is the name of the game.

It's incredibly obvious that Dale is doing it to keep Est and Athena apart. It's so he can continue to project his lost lover onto Athena. The author is telling the audience one thing and showing us another. Dale said had no interest in romance but once Est was banished from the party then the romancing began. Now that Est's gone suddenly Dale's the man of the hour with sage wisdom and advice that the rest follow? Horse malarkey. Why didn't Athena follow Dale's advice to see if Est would grow? Because it didn't fit the story but now that Est is gone she's fawning over Dale's every word like a schoolgirl in love. I have a bad feeling that when Dale saves her from the demon like his party did when she was a child she's going to fall for him.

For all intents and purposes, it should have been Est who advise the lazy drunktard (seemingly) to stay behind. Why do they act like people are aware of Daru's smurfing including Est himself. Even the guild itself should directly stop Daru from leaving because he is weak (as far as they know)

Honestly, it makes much more sense for the guy that can buff himself and others and has been rising the ranks to go instead of an old guy of a party that has decayed since Est left. We know Daru is holding back his real power (so he could have saved Est before the banishment), but only the readers have that context. For everyone else, it doesn't make any sense that Daru would go and not Est. If anything, they should go together!
Also this. The author is so shit at writing that they're projecting the reader's knowledge onto the characters. There was story dedicated to showing that the reputation of Stardust had waned and Est's has risen but somehow Dale, who people only know as a lazy drunk, is still seen as stronger.

I actually think it has something to do with the Japanese mentality of respect your elders. The author is arbitrarily assigning their own culture of obeying your seniors which is influencing how the characters react. It's why Est just meekly acquiesces to Dale's lectures.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
Wouldn't it make more sense for Est to delegate his members to evac while he go face the threat as well?

It would make more sense for guild staff to handle the evac than it would for any of the higher ranked parties' members to do it.

"Hey Est, don't save your childhood friend whom you cherished in the past even though you've been shown to be more capable or even if we team up we have a better chance.

No, that would diminish my worth and it would surely cockblock me, even though I don't wink wink want a harem."

The justifications this manga gives out just so Est can't amend/fix his relationship with his childhood friend and former party members. I just baffles me! What is the f*cking end goal?!
The way I see it this should be the moment that Est asserts that even if he wants to rub his former party's face in the mud he doesn't want them to outright die. In doing so Est demonstrates having substantial character growth, he finally gets a clean break from his old party by codifying his intent/expectations and as a result both parties could evolve to a somewhat healthy rivalry instead of the drama they have been in.

Est going in and soloing the demon, buffing his old party as a guest member (so they can see the difference and angst about how much they fucked up again) or even if he just goes in as reinforcements with his current party for some tag-team demon take down would all be more acceptable answers to this crisis than whatever the hell Daru is suggesting.

This shit that Daru is making up about Est's new party is a distraction that shouldn't exist. It is on the same level of stupidity as going along with kicking out Est in the first place despite the fact that he (Daru) actually knew from experience that the buffs were a huge part of their strength. This whole situation is turning Daru into a foil that directly (even if unintentionally) sabotages the original party, he's solidly become 'that one guy' that tells you they knew the answer the whole time six hours and twelve party wipes into trying to solve the problem.
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