At this point this series better continue till they clear the 100th door or we riotOh neat, this continues! I would have been 100% satisfied if it ended right in this chapter, it would have been a pretty good ending.
Thank you so much! Beat me to it but I cant complain😂take scissors and glue
No, they've been manga.Every chapter has been cinema.
so you say that but ive read other manga that were advertisements that had opportunities to end as good as last chapter but didnt and kept going til an awkward ending cliffhanger with a message "read the light novel for more!"Number three would have been at last chapter... This manga has so much good rep that they'll probably milk it for all they can, including an Anime adaptation hopefully soon, so unless there's a catastrophic dip in quality, number two is also out of the question
YES! I'm getting so much romantic tension from the two of em that it CAN'T not be on purposeI've only read to about chapter 350 of the web novel, but there's one thing that looks improved in the manga:
Seems like Ed and Tia might have a romantic instead of platonic relationship.