Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru. - Vol. 14 Ch. 111

Aug 31, 2024
i was crying out loud when chapter 110 and 111. Thank you for scan this manga. I love slide of life specially about family, and this manga is one the best i’ve ever read. On my age, it’s not easy to have feeling when surrounding us just short content, i’m easy to feel sad, but hardly crying. This manga took my tears and i appreciated when its reset my feeling and regain my strength toward life. Thank you so much.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2024
Well... That was all! Tysm for everything and I hope you liked my TL :) I hope my redrawing skills weren't so bad either, here I'll leave a pic. about the most troublesome rd I had to do in all of this series.
I said all I had to say in the last page. Hope I didn't miss anything and... yep, see ya!
Little update, I'm kind of retired from TL, but since I need the money... well, I'm on comission mode xD
so that, if you want a manga to be translated, hit a message on my ko-fi.
Have a good day and we are very close to the anime so be patient!
Aug 1, 2024
My problem with this ending was that Takae parting was kinda anti-climatic(should have been in Mai´s wedding) and Keiske ending. The main theme in this story is move on. Every character fullfiled this except for Keiske. He will only continue to endure the pain of losing his wife while continuing to live normally instead of trying to find a new happiness, its a pretty sad way to live the rest of his live.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 27, 2023
I loved the journey and ending, the last 15 or so chapters were a ride. I read the whole thing 2days ago and I still feel stabbed in the heart. I can't begin to imagine how people reacted when each chapter was coming out one by one without knowing the end lie.

I somewhat feel we didn't get to see Keisuke learning to be truly independent and having to rely on a lie to send his loved one to the other side. I mean he just learnt fishing and making bentos lol. I'm no old timer and I can't say if those are enough for a widower as he grows old. I'm not saying he should have remarried but how he truly moved on was missing imo. He could have been more convincing that way, and some people wouldn't complain that Takae would come back again due to the lie. Keisuke taking on extra work was a stupid way to show he moving on, if that was intentional.

Part of my heavy stabbed heart is due to Keisuke avoiding Takae from around chapter 90 onwards. It was too cold. Then again, that only made chapter 103 their last conversation "I leave Mai in your care" sadder. Even so, during this gap, the fact they were on the same wavelength on feeling guilty of ruining a child's life shows volumes how much they loved each other and Mai.

Since the whole initial premise was her replacing an existing child(neither of them having memory of the other was already established early), this was the only justifiable way this could end. 9.5/10
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Jul 13, 2020
pretty good but could be better. It fell off when marika told the truth about her reincarnation situation to her mom. Should keep the lie and make this series a bit more comedic, not go full all out serious and tries so hard to be heartwarming.

6/10 for me.
Active member
Apr 12, 2019
The "lesson" this series tries to teach is outright terrible. You're not allowed to cheat death/reincarnate/possess/whatever because "that's just the way it works, mmkay"? Oh, you actually did cheat death? Well it's not a miracle that should be embraced because "you only get one shot at life, mmkay"?

The series LITERALLY presents the characters with a miracle, and then characters come around and say it's not a miracle because it's not allowed due to "nature not working like that" and other such contrived bullshit. Literally NO PERSON IN REAL LIFE would ever think along these lines. The novelist character's idea of the ending would be more interesting. It's like the series' only point is to DESTROY hope irl by further reinforcing that magical things don't exist and thus you'll never experience a miracle of any kind whatsoever.

This series had so much potential for an ending on either side of the happy/sad spectrum, but it went for a forced bittersweet ending that relied on people not looking at the situation how real people would. If ANYONE in our world had this opportunity they would grasp onto it and never let go, and they most likely wouldn't give a damn about whoever got "possessed". So angry I wasted time on this. Thought it was going to have a nice and sweet ending when they talked about getting remarried when she grows up, but nooooo, this is current-decade writing so we have to have contrived bittersweet/downer endings. Oi.
Feb 25, 2023
a good ending

after the manga's tonal shift, I was worried they would really try to push the absolutely deranged "actually, you shouldn't want to have an irreplaceable bond with someone, and SHOULD want to replace them/be replaced with someone else!" crap they seemed to be steering towards a dozen or so chapters back. glad the author came to his senses (or perhaps he was brought to his senses by his editor). ultimately, there's some things that simply cannot be replaced

you did good keisuke-bro. enjoy your newfound peace, she'll be waiting for you in the next world
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 17, 2024
That was an ending that made go what now. That is a honor to this manga and its ending, cause this is one of only a half dozen mangas/manga endings that gave me that feeling.

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