Tsuyokute New Saga - Vol. 9 Ch. 77

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
He really is starting to do more and more things like a demon lord would
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@maelstroon It's long been a theory (practically since the beginning, in fact) that Kail is actually the demon lord he killed in his past life; with the way things are currently playing out, it kinda makes me wonder if that Kail also came back from the future to rally humanity against an even worse demon lord (that could have also been another Kail).
Aggregator gang
Feb 27, 2018
Plot twist: Everyone knows but they are too pragmatic to reveal it.

He is hanging out with the princess(queen) too long , this false flag is what she could think off. She did made the scene of helping a girl and the girl gave her flowers.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@HDMI1 No, though reading back through my comment, I can see how it could be interpreted that way. My fault for posting it before I was happy with the phrasing.

Plus, now that I actually think it through some more, it doesn't make as much sense as I thought it did. The basic gist of it, though, was that Kail goes back in time to prevent humanity's demise, only to become the demon lord because his methods get so underhanded. My thought was that this somehow keeps happening, though the iterations of Kail become more and more successful. The best way I can think to explain it at the moment is that Kail A beats demon lord, goes back in time to route B, where he becomes the demon lord and somehow ends up in route C, where Kail C defeats him, goes back to D, and the process repeats however many times it takes to get us to the current Kail.

As I said, it doesn't make as much sense as I initially thought.
Feb 9, 2019
who is this guy at the end again?

@HDMI1 @Vincentius
kail being the demon king seemed like a pretty reasonable theory though. like after the war was over he was seen as too strong and a threat to the kingdoms / empires so they betrayed him and he lost his friends / family leading to a breakdown. then in his madness returned to the past and sacrificed people to get them back, they took everything from him so its fine to take from them.

because something about time travel alters you slightly he wasnt able to get into his old body after multiple uses and that could have led to him becoming a demon. i dont remember it exactly but something about time travel affecting him / his body was mentioned in one of the early chapters.

1st: hes time traveled after defeating the demon lord. 2nd: time travels after being betrayed and losing everything. 3rd: profit. 4th: some plot about gods playing a game. 5th: its not gods but the author rewriting the story XD
Double-page supporter
Mar 20, 2019
@Aran1 but that's counter productive to his end goal. He goes back in time again and then becomes the demon lord to kill all the people he cares about to save all the people he cares about? How does that make sense?
Feb 9, 2019
@raos044 because plot.

"they betrayed him and he lost his friends / family leading to a breakdown" a mentally broken person will either be useless or one of the scariest things in existence. his goal is to stop the demons and save the world but why would that still be his goal after everyone he cared for was murdered by the people he fought to save?

"because something about time travel alters you slightly he wasnt able to get into his old body after multiple uses" i dont feel like looking up what chapter it was but super early in the story there was a weird moment explained off as something about time travel altered him slightly. i believe it was explained as his soul hadnt fully fused into his body before that moment and simply built upon that. if he instead gets stuck in a demons body it could affect his mind in some way which is fairly common in stories for the body to affect the mind. adult in child body, acts like child. male in female body, acts like female over time. human in monster body, slowly turns into monster / loses previously held morals.

finally and probably most important, my post on its own doesnt make as much sense unless you read the post from vince im replying to. the current him could very well be the final timeline where he succeeds without losing anyone so all of this theorizing on what happened is meaningless anyways....... until its time for the author to make a reboot >= 3 woooo infinite reboots with time travel :D

^ more explanation on that / alternative; saving everyone could have been the goal from the very beginning and thats why he becomes the demon lord when he travels back in time again to force the "original(?)" him to take a different action and save more people. theres plenty of stories where its "for the greater good" and "the ends justify the means" are used to change a past event for a better future.

might be able to get a few more ideas out of it but theyre all generally the same, time travel to force a better outcome / revenge combination.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 27, 2018
this being a devilman-like time loop could also be used to explain the changes between adaptations
Active member
Feb 13, 2018
More time travel could be involved, but everyone speculating about the identity of the Demon King, and whether or not it's Kail, should remember two things. The first being that there's another, parallel world in play, the first world that was ruined. And the second being that either time traveling gives you a soul identical to a demon, or perhaps it's the other way around, and all demons have the doubled souls that time travel can give and Zeal was attempting to create.

Maybe the Demon King is a Kail, and maybe he's not, but some of you are overlooking that he could just as easily be the Kail from the first world, potentially. He may not be a Kail from this world.

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