Two childhood friend who make pact with a witch ?

Sep 24, 2020
Settings in present japan now

Two highschool a boy and a girl were childhood friend

When they were little and go to summer festival, they meet a wieird woman , she was witch say their love were fake and the boy and the girl say something that their love were real

The witch then stop time and make a seperate pact with the boy and the girl(so she stop time, boy got stopped, she talk with the girl to make pact and after that she stop the girl time and talk with the boy to make pact). both have different pact, they must not confess their love and dating till their 18th birthday.

So after when they grow up, they attend same high school and class. The girl was a student council president and quite popular, she seems hate her male childhood friend. In class she always insult him with some mean word to the point their friend say wow she really hate you. She only acted like that on him only, she smile and act with kindess on another people , she was a genuine good person but for some reason she always acted rude on her male childhood friend.

The male childhood friend was a normal boy, all his male friend kinda feels sorry for him, having a beautiful childhood friend but was so hated by her , he always go into fight with his female childhood friend, when she say something mean word, he will also say it on her, so in the class,it always been usual for both of them to insult each other.

In reality both love each other, the witch grant them a power kinda like cctv magic, via mirror or something they can see each other from far away and seeing what they are doing. Both did not know that they have this power to spy each other.

The boy use his power and see her marstubating using him as fantasy and the girl also use the power to see the boy marstubate on her on his fantasy.

Much later the witch have connection with the school principal and invited them to principal house and do some weird test.

do note it is not hentai, the marstubate part was off-screened

The witch say both are destined loved and she put a test on them because there is some deep reason for it, kinda like those two love will affect something like the fate of the world or something like that
btw it is not

Sekai ka Kanojo ka Erabenai

this manga still ongoing , i read it 5 months ago on mangapark
Sep 21, 2018
Sounds like this one

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