To the best of my abilities, I try to be this lenient with my employees. The work will always be there; it's no good if someone is sick and is operating at half-mast. So go home, get better, and we'll hold down the fort until you're better.
@Coldlight he would be a saint in the US too. we get 6 holidays a year and we are expected to work through a few of them. I sometimes have less then 12 hours between shifts, and i work 9 hour shifts.
@JagdPanther nice. employees will work harder. honestly, at my place, people just don't give a fuck anymore. i work nights so no management after 9pm. the lead man a few months ago brought in his own project and worked on that. all of us bring books in and just sit and read on the clock because the upper management fucked us all over too many times. The really sad thing is, for all the fucking off we do on nights, we still get more work done then on day shift.
@Snickrot ... the hell? Here in Germany at my Company I get 30 Vacation Days (I think 23 or something is minimum by law), Sick Days aren't counted as Holidays, 8 Hour Work days and 40 hours per Week are Max by law. That sounds like a nightmare to me.
@theShear lol, we don't get sick days. it is either time off without pay or using what little of the 2 weeks of vacation time we get a year. Because of that, we got to always save our vacation days rather then take long vacations. It is pretty standard apparently. One guy on nights works about 80+ hours a week. I put in on average between 44 and 50 hours a week. oh, and i still have to pay the company i work for $50 a week to have health insurance, that is with the bargain plan where the health insurance only starts covering once I have already racked up $6,000 in medical bills. In some aspects, our company is rather generous compared to other factories in the area. Ah, and i only get paid $21 an hour.
@Snickrot I'll be honest, I'm horrified. Not to speak about the health Insurance thing (which is well known to be a nightmare in your country) I can't think of a scenario where you people aren't with one foot in a Burnout ... if you aren't having a full blown one already because you simply can't treat it anyway. Just a reference but most Countries around me have similar Work arrangements than mine so it's not as if Germany is super nice or something.
@theShear lol, yep. Tis probably one of the reasons why i am a borderline alcoholic and smoke weed all day when i am not at work. Best way to stay sane is not not be sober and all that. Basically, most people at the factory either over drink, over eat, do drugs or have massive anger issues. I get that it isn't just Germany lol. But this is just how things are here in the USA. We are pretty much just cogs to be used until we don't function anymore. I already have nerve and joint damage in my arms and knee and I am only 33. I am actually doing very well for someone in my age group. Hell, I am doing better and have it easier then about half the USA right now honestly.
@Snickrot ... not gonna lie, how you pretty much talk like it's just like it is and accept it makes me rather sad especially since I know how true that is. I always wonder if the Founders would see America now what they would say.