Better get used to this stuff, GITS levels of body parts swapping is something that is already happening, the aesthetics part will come sooner than later, and at some point it won’t matter what you were born as, people will simply swap bodies or own several ones. Morning as a man among men, afternoon as a loli, night as a lady in their 40s... sexuality will become transient and be tied to trends... and some will live as a brainbox, because why not. Positive thing is we won’t judge based and what we look like nor about the sexuality of others, but we will about their tastes (hence the trend aspect). This manga is simply one of the first steps the world of manga is doing in that direction (as well as GITS and similar used-to-be-scify manga).
Things are getting interesting!
Ps: Actually lived this stuff with a close family member, though reversed from the manga.