Umareru Seibetsu wo Machigaeta!

Active member
Oct 2, 2018

fair enough, thanks for letting me know that I was reported. I have a good idea of who whinged about it, so I'll use lighter banter with them in the future.
Jun 27, 2018

"Do you know the reason why gender dysphoria is classified as a legitimate thing and the standard treatment is to help people with it transition?"

You know why it's called gender dysphoria? Because twin studies found that "gender identity" issues are 100% related to upbringing.
Otherwise twins should have always behaved the same and identified as "trans-gender" regardless of their different environment.

So the first thing we have to go after is the abuse/mistreatment of the person as a child. If you can treat the psychological issues of people mistreated by their parents as children, you can also unroot the gender dysphoria.

Also, since about 40% of SRS patients who received treatment & surgery during their teens later commit suicide,
it's a crime against humanity to do this to persons below the age of bodily and mental maturity (which is around the age of 25 for men).

As I said, the whole idea that you can change your sex just by visiting a hospital and having your healthy body mutilated
is insane propaganda and has nothing to do with reality.
It's the same with people who have Alzheimers disease or some mental affliction, you won't just let them walk around until their meet their demise,would you? That would be immoral.

And it's very immoral to push an agenda that causes people to regret their mistake in such a way that they end their lives out of desperation.

P.S.: @ the moderator Gestapo:

If you can't accept the truth and want to propagate insane leftist globalist ideology while censoring healthy discourse that you don't like, you are free to ban me for all I care, you will just prove my point by silencing me
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
You will kindly stop referring to the moderator team as the Secret Police for the Nazis that unjustly imprisoned and murdered thousands of people. This will be your only warning.

We aren't trying to do anything but run a manga site. If you're serious about your accusation then I think you need to pay more attention to what we actually do.
Mar 8, 2019
You know why it's called gender dysphoria? Because twin studies found that "gender identity" issues are 100% related to upbringing.
Show me that study (if it even exists).
"In 2013, a twin study combined a survey of pairs of twins where one or both had undergone, or had plans and medical approval to undergo, gender transition, with a literature review of published reports of transgender twins. The study found that one third of identical twin pairs in the sample were both transgender: 13 of 39 (33%) monozygotic or identical pairs of assigned males and 8 of 35 (22.8%) pairs of assigned females. Among dizygotic or genetically non-identical twin pairs, there was only 1 of 38 (2.6%) pairs where both twins were trans. The significant percent of identical twin pairs in which both twins are trans and the virtual absence of dizygotic twins (raised in the same family at the same time) in which both were trans would provide evidence that transgender identity is significantly influenced by genetics if both sets were raised in different families."
So the first thing we have to go after is the abuse/mistreatment of the person as a child. If you can treat the psychological issues of people mistreated by their parents as children, you can also unroot the gender dysphoria.
Well, F you for assuming my gender dysphoria came from mistreatment from my parents.

As I said, the whole idea that you can change your sex just by visiting a hospital and having your healthy body mutilated
is insane propaganda and has nothing to do with reality.

"Just by".....gotta love this framing. It´s not "just by". You have an artificial vagina after the operation. And you screaming "THAT´S NOT A REAL VAGINA!!!!!1111!11!1 I WON´T ACCEPT THIS!!!!!!!!" doesn`t change anything.
And you talking about "reality" while constantly claiming stuff with no evidence is pretty hilarious.
It's the same with people who have Alzheimers disease or some mental affliction, you won't just let them walk around until their meet their demise,would you? That would be immoral.
And here is the second F you for denying my maturity. How about I can decide for myself what`s best for me? I don`t need a transphobe telling me what to do.
And it's very immoral to push an agenda that causes people to regret their mistake in such a way that they end their lives out of desperation.
Again, no evidence. And no evidence that the suicides happened because they regretted their mistake and not because of transphobia.
P.S.: @ the moderator Gestapo:

If you can't accept the truth and want to propagate insane leftist globalist ideology while censoring healthy discourse that you don't like, you are free to ban me for all I care, you will just prove my point by silencing me
You just proved to us that you`re a moron. "Healthy discourse", huh? You mean your baseless claims and insulting accusations?
Mar 8, 2019
"Calm down"? This ahole
- indirectly accused my parents of child abuse
- calls scientific evidence and medically acclaimed treatment "propaganda" and "ideology"
- denies my maturity and my ability to make a well thought out decision
- calls the Moderator "Gestapo"
and it`s ME who should calm down?

What has become of this world? Back then, people would have seen this as an insult and insane gibberish and would have supported the one who got insulted. But today, in the "Both sides are to blame" world, a person who feels hurt or insulted by obvious insults is just "triggered" and needs to "calm down". No, I don`t need to "calm down" in front of people who call others "Gestapo".
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
@Zeythra I do understand what's up with your feeling, yes of course you need to tell them that they are wrong and it's their fault. Yes it is true it's an insult, and you have rights to be angry at them and they are have no rights to denied what is up with them nor accept it, who is want to get proved that they are wrong anyway especially it is on the internet, what you do is right, just calm your ass and do not forgive them for what are they do to you.... Life is hard than you think, well its just an experience to me. You're strong than you think with an information, so believe what you do is for the right. Ok
Nov 5, 2020
Doctor Suporn Again? he is also mentioned in "Boku ga Watashi ni Naru Tame ni" if I'm not mistaken

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