Thank you for your work!
I always feel this, but I really love the art style of this series. Its use of visual imagery to convey Umiko's feelings really reminds me of 3-gatsu no Lion in a positive way.
I'm also very fond of Kai for recognizing and respecting Umiko's passion for film-making from the start. Their friendship has been so steady and easy, and I'm very happy these kindred souls have found each other.
Despite unsettling me at first, Sora has honestly grown on me. Even though every student in their program is working to advance towards their dreams in their own ways, Sora really is in a league of his own in how he blazes straight through for the sake of his ambitions. He's really admirable.
Thank you for the chapter movie parody and film note inclusions in the end notes. I'm always happy to learn more (人・ω・)
As always, thank you all for your caring work on this series and thank you for sharing the fruits of your labor with us. I wish you many wonderful days ahead.