Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Sakutarou

May 4, 2019
Yeah, the character went from a decent depiction of an abusive mom to straight out devil. Which is very stupid by the way, since her manipulative nature and selfishness on the first episodes was way more realistic imo.
Aug 18, 2020
Fuck Rosa the rotten bitch. She hooks up and fools around with men neglecting her responsibilities as a mother and leaves Maria for days alone and when Maria gets lost because of her own selfish actions she abuses her as if a 9 year old can look up for themselves. She only views maria as an emotional pillar and she beats her up whenever she in any way damages her image in front of others. She's so despicable, I would be very glad if Maria kills her. She deserves it. God I hate her so much.
Aug 18, 2020
Lambda sweeps in and turns the situation to her advantage. Now she has Ange in the palm of her hand. Wonder if Bern knew that would happen and factored that into her plan.
Aug 17, 2020

Not really, Rosa has been hinted to being this despicable before, we have seen her being mentioned of going out with various men, abusing Maria, and leaving Maria alone in the past volumes. The difference this time is that we are actually seeing her interaction with Maria privately now, unlike in the previous volumes when she was in public.

Remember this is the same woman that beat her child , until she was swollen, in public, and left Maria alone in the rain, in the garden were Beatrice found her. So her acting like this to Maria in private is not that far fetched,and just like rosa herself said when she was being tortured by Beatrice in the golden land, she is a very bad mother.

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