
Jan 31, 2019
Yeah this was fine but you won't miss much if you skip it.

Honestly, smh if Yuuki was just a few years older I would have been fine with this but he's freaking 14 years old. They kept calling him by his age and his grade level in school, which, mind you, is middle school.

The kid isn't even tall enough to kiss the dude, whatever his name was.

I know I know, "BuT hE'S 19 sO iTs nOt A bIg DeAl 5 yEaRs MeAnS nOtHiNg oNcE tHeY aRe AdUlTs"

Well fuck you for thinking that.

The dude even points out that the kid is innocent and he is forcing the kid to grow up too quickly! The freaking brat didn't even know what sex was so he asked his friend to teach him, which didn't go well!

I'll say it definitively, for those who have any doubt about how I feel about this manga:

Fuck age gaps, fuck adults knowingly getting into relationships with kids and fuck this manga.

(I am not saying fuck the mangaka, just fuck this particular work of theirs)

5/10 because by some miracle this is not even close to some of the bullshit I have read. Somehow this is 10000 times easier to read than some of the bullshit I have read.

Here is an example of some bullshit just so you know that this manga is actually many steps ahead in terms of story:
[ul]"Toremororetora" by Kirishima Rira.[/ul]

Look it up on here if you feel like vomiting.

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