Suzuki got bionic leg and Kato got bionic fingers, losing limbs are normal in this manga.Her ability to run has been isn't capable, unless ninja developed a way to run without the big toes, and one of them has to clutch if they wanna get out alive
the floating skinbag on pg 7 didnt even have shoes did the twin not notice that???😭😭😭Rookie mistakes.
It looks pretty pitch-black out there so I imagine the non-geared twin can't see her surroundings as well as we're able to, but I would think that the other twin's Marishiten has some sort of night vision... I guess we don't really know that, though.the floating skinbag on pg 7 didnt even have shoes did the twin not notice that???😭😭😭
He jumped out of that water like a goddamn salmon! His legs have gotta be Yamada-tier, at least!This guy has a very creepy way of fighting