Unholy Blood - Vol. 1 Ch. 58 - Season 1 END

Oct 18, 2020
I really liked Yohan, he was the only person in terms of age closed to Hayan when they were younger. And being a good looking is a crime, why must he becomes good looking??? Ugh but not anymore, after reading this chapter I must say I see Yohan in a new whole perspective and a very bad one at that.

May justice be prevailed. Thanks for the update!
May 26, 2020
I cried when her parents died because of that bastard.i know from the start hes sussss!! Killed that scumbag! Thank you for translating!
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
I wonder where the other purebloods are and if this situation will cause them to act 🤔
Jan 21, 2021
seeing her parents die in the last chapter made me sob for hours. how could he be so cruel? anyways , thank u team for your amazing translations! see u for the next season ❤️
Feb 2, 2021
..... and season 1 is over in a blink of the eye😔 cant wait to see Yohan get whopped up by Hayan!!!! thank u for the translations!!!!!
Dec 22, 2020
I still, don’t understand Yohan’s justification. Why did he do what he did? I understand his trauma past experiences but it was his bullies, not vampires, not other humans. And how was he able to overwhelm purebloods? Like, I’m sure there are more purebloods somewhere.
I think I need to wait until there’s a good 100 chapters cause I know this development is going to make me super frustrated.
Sep 18, 2020
yep yohan is officialy on my kill list of villians in manhwas :) like he has the looks which like cmonnn whyyyyyyy did he have to turn out like this guess its the inside that matters. But like now I see him in a new light and a very bad one. Hayan sweetie go and beat his ass for what he did. Cant wait for season 2 :p
Mar 27, 2020
Maybe call it a "drug" not "vaccine" coz that's not how vaccines work. Like who takes "vaccine" in tablet form daily for 3 months??? Is becoming a vampire even an illness? Maybe it should have stayed on the supernatural side because suddenly inserting a scifi aspect into this is really out of place.

If this "vaccine" is distributed around the world then does that mean the head of medical industries around the world is infested by vampires under the command of Yohan? WHO approved this? They have research papers detailed to proved their claims? Where did they get the participants in the clinical trial? How did they perform the clinical trial? Was this approved the the medical board of ethics?
Being a vampire is a disease, possibly a pandemic, yet there was not a single mention of its pathophysiology throughout the series?
Why is there not a single person in doubt or opposing a "vaccine"?
There is no discussion as to how the vaccine works, its efficacy, and possible side effects, yet so many people want it???

Ok, this was really good until this part. Hopefully s2 can redeem it.

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