Unripened Expression

May 4, 2020
To be honest in kinda sad on how the person that helped you so much would not be your meant to be T-T its really depressing
May 2, 2020
It's all horrible.How can you don't fall, or just search, for the person that were always helped you, heared about your problems and supported you.It's very sad ignore just all this.I know all these things don't make "love", but they could be close friends or have a threesome.


Mar 30, 2019
It starts off pretty good, but ends up being pretty meh overall. Character development is rushed or just straight up regresses, and all the love interests are one-dimensional and there just to add drama. Art is cute but the poor writing drags it down pretty far.

If you like cliches, you might enjoy this story though. Wasn't the worst but not great either.
Aug 17, 2020
The story started pretty good but the ending is so disappointing 😣 I feel so bad
for Han Jun Seo 😭 those 3(or 4?) chapters about his past was just too big on the story that I really thought it was all for naught since he didn't get another happy ending 😭
I get that it's trying to be realistic, but I think that if the author is going to that route, author-nim should've just gave those spotlight more on Karam's back story so that it can make sense to the reader's the reason for the ending.

I agree with one of the commenters. This wasn't the worst but it could've been better.
Apr 12, 2019
I just reread the story and I still loved it the second time around. While I understand feeling upset that
Junseo didn't end up happily (by the end of the story, but i'm sure in the future he's living it up with Yoonsung), I don't understand the hate for Karam and the main couple. The main couple had more moments together than Jaewon did with Junseo, tbh, and although it's heartbreaking that Junseo was rejected and needed time to recover, Jaewon's not obligated to love him back. Just because you listened, advised, and supported someone doesn't mean they owe you their love. Jaewon still helped Junseo heal, even if he didn't love him back. Of course, I have no rebuttle if you just thought the main couple was bland and boring... they're highschool kids who like each other, I'm glad they're not fighting.
Honestly, I think if people reread it while looking at it with a more open mind (rather than how unfair it was that their couple didn't become endgame), they'd see that the story was actually pretty well written. I do agree that Karam could've had a bit more backstory, and Hana should've appeared more (maybe that's just me), but overall, I really liked it.
Nov 19, 2020
This was such a fantastic story almost the whole way through... The ending actually ruins it though. Honestly one of the worst endings of anything I've ever read and it ruins the rest of the story for me.
Mar 27, 2020
Overall it was pretty okay i guess? While I don't hate the end game couple I felt like there should've been a lot more development. Both Karam and Yoonsung felt pretty one dimensional while Junseo was a very well rounded character. I think myself and others included would've enjoyed the ending a lot more if all characters were equally developed.

I also appreciate the inclusion of Jaewon not being obligated to have feelings towards Junseo just because they helped eachother out. Not everyone gets a perfect happy ending and that's an important lesson to learn. The rejection scene really hit me hard. I think what Junseo says to end the chapter will stick with me for a while

Overall it had a solid start but the ending was underwhelming, a bit rushed too. 6/10
Oct 23, 2019
I understand people’s frustration with the ending though I absolutely don’t share it lmao (I love the person he ends up with so much y’all do not understand) but consider this

Jun Seo and Jae Hee (MC’s friend). Their dynamic was already changing at the end, Jae Hee grew as a character (and became a better person) plus they’ve known each other a while and have history~ Yes I am a fan of enemies to lovers lol

Edit: all right so just looked on AO3 and there are exactly 6 fics about this comic and none of them are Jun Seo/Jae Hee so i guess I’m gonna be back at it again with the extremely rare ships. If you see it pop up, it was me
Aug 1, 2023
i am pretty shocked to see a lot of ppl disliked the ending. while i get it, i also don't. i actually rlly liked it and
MAN WAS I CHEERING FOR THEMMM LIKE I WAS LOSING MY MIND i think i wouldve died if they didn't end up together

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