Until the End

Active member
May 15, 2019
If anyone wants to know how it ends

Its a happy ending , guy gets in prison and she marries blonde dude and they become a loving couple
Sep 26, 2019
I am just writing this as a context- the reason why this webtoon is award winning is probably because of the fact that the place where the author comes from has a lot of rape cases and the government isn’t doing anything to protect and help woman. And suprisingly enough I think it deals with the problem quite realistically and maturely . It isnt that easy to just come forward to your parents about being raped, and there is a lot of gaslighting and victim blaming as well. So happy that this webtoon is treating this subject maturely and realistically.


Apr 11, 2019
Ugghh no.. Not my taste it is good but I'm not in the mood for this... Maybe later. Bookmarked
Dec 6, 2019
@MarloLapiz Look I'm going to be serious here. If you have never been raped (and I'm guessing on that here) you can't know what the victim is going through. I personally haven't but someone close to me has. It has screwed them up big time and it is decades after the fact and they are STILL dealing with it. It is not something you can easily talk about. There are several medical conditions related to the consequences of rape that make it hard. Not to mention the sociological aspect.

The FL definitely has PTSD which can make it really hard to talk about it because two of the symptoms are depression and anxiety (and since I suffer from both I can tell you first hand those are neither easy to deal with. I sometimes wake up feeling like the world is out to get me or so very sad and tired I want nothing more than to curl into a ball and sleep forever). She's being threatened of having the videos of her rape exposed to the media which is causing her major stress, which is increasing her anxiety, which in turn makes her paranoid of everything and everyone. This is compounded with the fact that her rapist is close to her everyday.

On the sociological aspect, rape is over half of the time followed by victim blaming on some level. It shouldn't be, but it is. I mean did you even read the comments the FL read when she went to the comment section on the article about the office lady who was raped? Most of them were shaming and blaming the victim and making jokes on how she probably liked it and they would do her too. She also has the expectations of her parents to be a "good girl" and to her good girls do not cause trouble, they do not get into trouble, they can't be raped. So it makes it really hard for her to confess to people who, really, have never been there for her that she has been raped.

Rape is not something to be taken lightly; which is why I am loving the comic. It's taking the consequences of rape on the victim and making it real. It's showing not just the psychological but the sociological actions that happen because someone has been raped. It's also showing the world view on rape and how that world view can affect the victim.
Mar 24, 2018

+1 although I haven't read the comic yet (I clicked to see what people were saying about it first), I connected to what you wrote, especially about the social pressures to stay quiet and the sociological aspect too. Thank you for writing your comment so well.
Dec 6, 2019
@Yuuri You're welcome. I just honestly got so annoyed at MarloLapiz's comment (because the person who I mentioned that was raped is a dear person to me and I find it highly offensive when people make light of the subject), but I didn't want to go on a childish rant as that would make me seem just as bad as what they said. So I had to take my time to explain why they're comment was inappropriate. I'm glad you liked my comment.

I do hope you try this web comic out. If you've read the other comments you know that it has gotten an award for it's work. While that maybe because of the country it comes from, from what I've read already it deserves the reward no matter the country.

Like I said in my previous comment I like how real it is making the consequences of rape for not just the victim, but those around her. Things like victim blaming, perpetrator stereotyping, rape confession, the psychological trauma of rape, etc are being brought to the forefront in a respectful and very realistic way.
Nov 14, 2019
This is the exact plot of a hentai. The video-taped rape being used as blackmail to force future encounters is really common in those. The only difference is that the victim in this story behaves vaguely like a real person instead of becoming a broken sex maniac. Still a little hard to take seriously honestly, despite how seriously it tries to take itself.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
The "plot" is stupid and irritating. Well, the writing is an absolute joke! Most hentai had better writing, and this one tries to be a "serious" webtoon?!

Dear author, if you want to write about a "serious" theme, like rape, you have to at least try to be a bit re-a-lis-tic. On one hand we have a high-school gravure idol, who has no experience with men, has not dealt with sexual harassment, stupid and weak willed, but with loving parents: clearly some fantasy and not a bit realistic. Then you bring in a rapist. Without any explanation. This is called shit writing. It's like Freddy Krueger on a pink unicorn. It fits nowhere.
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
@evandark and @RedHimiko18 tnks for the reviews, I was about to read the story but I wanted to see other's opinions first, I'm glad I did (it's interesting to see how both of u thought differently about the story).
Nov 14, 2019
@yurigasaki It sticks in my mind as a cringey hentai plot point. Can't help it. I understand how the story is trying to portray the victim's mentality and how her reputation can suffer and affect her, but it just feels so stupid that the guy is honestly carrying around damning evidence of multiple sex crimes on his person, and the story treats him like a criminal mastermind.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dec 6, 2019
evandark Not all idols, actresses, singers, etc. have been
sexually harassed
. For you to think that's normal, even in a webtoon is just sad.

I also think it's sad because of the media, comics, movies, etc. you've been exposed to has shown you it's normal for girls to have sex at her age. Did you know in countries where they have idols like the FL some companies will make sure the girls stay virgins as part of their image? I also find it personally objective that your complaint is that she is a high schooler with no experience with men, as I didn't have any experience with guys until well into my college years. Some people are just like that.

And how is the author not being realistic?
She's showing the PTSD symptoms of the victim, the world view of it, how she was betrayed by a friend and adult in her life, and how she could've gone down the same path, how blackmail can hurt a rape victim, how hard it can be to report it to anyone, and how parental pressures can make it hard for any child to tell their parents.

Also what's wrong with her parents to be supportive?
Do you want them to be crappy parents who blame her for the rape and hate her? I mean it even shows how they aren't perfect in that their lack of attention to her and their expectations of her caused her to feel like she couldn't confide in them.

On bringing in the bad guy:
You do realize getting to know the characters before bringing in the bad guy is called "setting the mood" right? Every author brings out the character and the setting before they introduce the bad guy because otherwise it'd be a really weak story. You need to give the readers at least the basic backstory on the FL or ML before bringing in conflict otherwise the readers cannot connect with them.

On the weak willed and stupid FL:
Okay where is she being shown as being stupid and weak willed? Do you have ANY idea how hard it can be to confess to being raped? Especially if you are being blackmailed on top of it? The stress and psychological damage from rape can make it hard enough. That doesn't take into account the world view of it, the pressures of family, the fact that her rapist is near her, her societal pressures as a school idol and good student, and her parents expectations of her. That kind of pressure can crush women and men in adulthood let alone a teenager.

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