i'm aware of those considerations. i understand this would be the opposite of a priority. I'm not suggesting it happen anytime soon, or that it has anything to do with data maintained by the site that would require moderation, "just" the reader & some externally hosted images. as much or as little frill/polish as devs might care to add. Minimally my suggested usecase would be an imgur link with some PNG's in it so i can do collaborative PR on the same reader i intend the audience of my scans use. Being able to experience the same final product is important to me, and i'd like to imagine it would be a feature other groups might like. Also would not hurt for sharing stuff which for various reasons i would not try to put on the site but want to use the reader for.
i'm not a dev, and even if i was the site's code is not public so idk how unreasonable a request this is from a practical perspective. I figure, if anyone ought to know its the devs, and they can tell me to fuck off if its too big an ask, but since its a feature i'd quite like to see, i figure i may as well ask & hopefully hear from them about it one way or another.