>It tore my hear apart
Before anyone goes "Oh, you hypocrite!" I want to note that these kinds of things unfortunately happen. And a lot of people either are not, or don't feel like they're in a position to go "
Hey, I don't care, my wife's delivering now, I'm out!" If it's a usual work day, sure. But stories like these happen with people on some unscheduled extraordinary work-related activity, where they have responsibilities on their shoulders to boot. Add to this that sometimes delivering really starts
suddenly, so can't prepare much beforehand.
It doesn't excuse him. It really does not. Yet while I want to say that in his shoes I would go screw you to the company and run off to my wife, I really can't say it 100% wholeheartedly. I just hope I would be able to. So, yeah. Just rumbling.
Also, maaaaaan, I have a hard time telling whether those two's relationship is even functional, let alone healthy.
Post Covid work hits a lot. Take care, man. Stable IRL comes first: doesn't work the other way, I'd say.