Not only that.
This is like something outta of a video game?!
"Outta" is already an informal version of "out of" so "outta of" is just "out of of".
Let's sort down what's happened.
The phrasal verb is "sort out"; there is no "sort down".
There have been mlutiple reported sightings of "monsters" in an abandoned village......
Spelling error for "multiple"; the Japanese use of brackets do not always correspond to quote marks as they are also used for emphasis much like the English equivalent of bolding or italicising words. The same problem with using quote marks around the word "zombies".
Could it have a mechanic where it'll open once it's "some sort of relief" get's filled in!
Unnecessary to include "its" (also, wrong form used) in this sentence; inappropriate inclusion of an apostrophe in the word "gets".
Lich. Also on Pg17.
"Litch" a monster formed from a wizard who gained immortality through fodbidden black magic.
Lich; "forbidden". Same issue of mistranslating the use of brackets.
Apart from the above, some pages should have the sentences shifted around instead of directly following the Japanese grammatical structure in order to read more naturally in English.