A note for readers:
The title for this chapter should actually be "Surpassing the Leader." (There will be a TL note later about the term change, but just a heads up).
Explanation for the mis-translation:
The term for (royal) leader (it will eventually be shortened to just "leader" and they both mean the same thing) is お屋形様/Oyakatasama
and the term for the game is 屋形越え/Yakatagoe.
"Yakata goe" is a combination between (O)yakata(sama) and the verb 超える/koeru, which can mean like "to cross/pass (over/through," or "to surpass."
Yakata, by itself ,means like "mansion" or "castle," etc. So I think the original translators didn't realize that the yakata came from oyakatasama. And so they also chose the definition of koeru that made the most sense in relation to a mansion/castle/building.
Hope this was interesting/helpful to new readers, as well as people re-reading the series ^_^.