@belkrax Same here, but it was all night for me. Nice call, haha.
@Veshv I would usually be inclined to agree on Hachina wanting to kill Gakuto initially, but if he was planning to kill him anyway, then why take his ID card? It would only make sense if he wanted to leave it somewhere (maybe next to an unidentified corpse, or multiple) in order to fake his death, or if he wanted to use the card for something else, so that makes me think that he was planning to fake his death all along.
There's quite a few things to digest in this chapter. A few small details first: throughout this entire chapter, Hachina has been feeling the effects of the blood loss from his leg wound; I thought it was strange how seemingly fine he was even being underwater for 4 minutes with such a big wound with only a makeshift tourniquet to help him with it, and after that he went on to run around the ship, do tons of things, carry an unconscious Gakuto out, etc. I like the attention to detail in making him realistically exhausted due to the blood loss and pain even if it's afterwards. You can see him breathe heavily during the call with Ideal's leader, and then choosing to sit down. Gakuto then asks him about it, after noticing how pale and sweaty he is. He seems fine at the end of the chapter so he must have gotten a bit better.
Ideal's leader asking Hachina to take the diamonds with him and to wear them basically means he wants to kill him (duh), since he has some kind of fixation on that and finds it unacceptable. I also like how he kept leaking tons of stuff that Hachina may or may not have remembered. He also said that "he wonders who leaked" the information about the diamonds, and if you remember before they got on the ship, Yokoi said that he sensed that there was a grudge or something in Karl's words, that he was leaking the information to Yokoi to harm a competitor; well, Yokoi was half right, Karl did want to leak the information of the smuggling (and maybe the diamonds if he was aware of them) in order to hinder Ideal's leader, since he just took the 50 billion from him and Baku forcefully. Thus he also thought that it was Baku who got his diamonds, but we know that Hachina just opportunistically decided to steal them.
Also, I love how the trend of people leaking things when talking to Hachina while he just acts like he's just acting dumb or being quiet (even though he generally doesn't remember) keeps coming up, and how Hachina instantly adapts to the way of talking of the other person (like when Ideal's leader says "I fed on them, and they fed on me..." and Hachina later saying "they became my food"). Additionally, it seems like Hachina's memories aren't completely lost, given that he has a "feeling" for things he shouldn't technically remember. Like Kakerou having achieved something "big" recently (the creation of ACIA, although less recent, and the achievement of the Karamete), and how I'm fairly certain he doesn't remember Baku or his Usogui title, but his name still jumps out at him and gives him a certain feeling that implies that they have or had some kind of relationship. But that was before the first surpassing the leader, since he was also surprised at that, and at him being the leader of Kakerou. I also think the bookstore is probably related to Eba, since he was a professor, it seems.
Edit: Fuck, I knew I had forgotten to mention something. Last chapter they said that there was an unidentified japanese male on the ship; someone said it was Kidou, but I would find it weird for him to be unidentified? His body seemed to be in relatively decent condition after being killed, so unless the body was further damaged by the ship sinking, he should still be identifiable. Hachina said that he was planning on luring out the wire puller from the MOD with faking Gakuto's death, so what I think is that they found Gakuto's ID and jacket, planned to pin the smuggling and everything on him, and covered up his identity to the media in order to avoid a scandal, which means Hachina's plan is working.