I like that observation about wild vs refined. Looking closely, I realized that Baku and Hachina have a lot of opposing design elements.
-Both present and past have opposing outfit colors (black and white, and they reversed colors in the present)
-Baku's white hair vs Hachina's black hair, also wild vs proper as you mentioned
-Past Hachina wearing what looks like a private school uniform, while Past Baku is wearing some sort of thug outfit (lol).
I wonder if their first meeting was also a setup, and not actually their first meeting? It seems a bit too coincidental that he happened to be there at such a crucial moment.
Hm, that's an interesting point of Hachina even going to school, since he was tutored. Maybe he's going to a super prestigious place? I'm assuming he's around 15 (reason below), but probably in university since he's a genius, so I looked up some famous university logos, but couldn't find anything that matches it. The logo seems to resemble a western university or agency.
Some other observations in this chapter:
-The flashback seems to be set in around 1998, due to the Nagano Olympics poster and Game Boy Color poster (GBC was released in 1998). We know that the Surpassing the Leader game happened in April 2001, so we're likely in-between those two dates, perhaps ~2.5 years before the game happened.
-In a way earlier chapter, it was mentioned that Baku was 15 when he started winning Kakerou matches. So he's probably near that age in this flashback, and I'm assuming that Hachina's age is similar. Depending on if Hachina remembers Baku or not, we can see how far his memory regressed. If he doesn't remember Baku, then that means during the battleship arc, he was basically under 15 years old in terms of mental age, and still casually manipulating everyone.
-Baku's past outfit seems to have the manga's logo on it? I think this is the first time the logo has appeared in the manga.