Usogui - Vol. 31 Ch. 329 - Protoporos

Aggregator gang
Nov 9, 2018
I bet there's going to be some connection regarding him being called "Warrior Yotsuhiko" (Yuusha Yoshihiko) in the future
Makes me wonder if this #1 dude will be shown in more Chapters in the future

Thanks for the Chapter
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 17, 2019
God I wonder if Kakerou is the one who created this real life MMO. I think this MMO is similar to the Labyrinth arc where rich people pay money to escape their crime. In this case, judging by how a person said that they are staying on this island until the settlement comes, this is a place where rich kids have fun and lay low while the rest of the population think they are in prison or house arrest.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 21, 2019
I wonder what determines where you stand in the hierarchy. It's just peculiar that Baku seemingly started off as a "slave" here as opposed to a "citizen," seeing as how he isn't in the same position as the rest there.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
Am i reading the wrong manga? I remember the title was "I kept winning on gamble but suddenly I was stabbed by some thieves and I was transported to isekai together.... ah too long.
Jun 13, 2019
Imagine me reading(looking at) the raws for Usogui and clicking far ahead and landing on this s**t ... I was like f**k is this ... is this the wrong manga ?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
A realworld fantasy mmo? Goddamnit Midara, where the hell did you even come up with this idea?

Out of curiosity, is Protoporos the right name to call it in English? Seems pretty close to Protopolis so I'm curious if that's what the author was aiming for.
Double-page supporter
Sep 6, 2018
It's romanized as Protoporos by the author himself (like on the volume cover shown on page 1, it's not edited by us).
But I agree with you, Protopolis does sound more sensible, wouldn't be surprised if it's just an instance of Engrish (Or Greek-engrish?) on the author's part.


This batch will end at around ~333.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
Fair enough, it seemed reminiscent of the Rodem vs Rodemu thing like 80(?!) chapters ago.

I'm not sure if Kakerou specifically had a hand in it before now, but you're definitely right about it being a place for rich people to basically vanish from society for some time. Which is probably why Kakerou had to convince the higher-ups to allow Baku, his allies, and Lalo's group in as slaves to start out. At least, that's what I think is going on.

Edit: Also, page 15, is that Gakuto?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 17, 2019
Yeah, I wasn't too sure if and why Kakerou would organise the MMO. I just thought that only Kakerou would have that sort of power to organise such a thing. But if it's not Kakerou then it might be those "higher-ups" you mention and I bet they will be involve in this gamble somehow. Wondering if they aide Baku or Lalo.🤔
Jan 18, 2018
Baku got stuck in real life so it's okay that he decided to live in a MMORPG, right?!
Jan 18, 2018
Champ basically gave us the general outlook of the Tipa Kingdom: Everyone who isn't a slave is content with their rank in society, to the point that there is no significant effort to unite all three kingdoms, because of the game reset that comes a week after. Some observations from Champ's perspective: Protoporos's society is of a capitalist medieval setting, has little fear of violent crime, and although its inhabitants shown so far are both complacent and vain, they aren't outright cruel to the slaves. It's almost as if the slaves aren't being screwed by the people screwing over the slaves, but by the system in place. (And it looks like Sako Toshio is gunning for some societal criticism, with Champ presumably a wageslave himself before Protoporos.) Even moreso, unless you're a slave, you wouldn't benefit from the game reset, as it would mean everyone starts back on an equal foot. At this point, it might not be a far-fetched theory to suggest that Baku will put together a crew of slaves and bring about a revolution in their lives, though the exact method is a mystery. While denying labor seems plausible, I doubt Baku would be able to inspire the numbers significant to his efforts, as the slaves are obviously not held together by morals and require incentives; even if labor denial works, a new shipment of slaves will supply the gap in the labor demand. Most likely Baku will amass wealth through gambles and other unsavory means, figure a means of incentivizing his supporters, take over the kingdom, unify all three kingdoms, and maybe or maybe not become the Kaiser. (When we think of Kaiser, we think of Germany or Austria, or maybe you're thinking of Russia's Tzar.) I honestly have no idea how Baku will fulfill all of these conditions, but maybe he'll start by introducing a new currency system that overtakes the current one in place. Also, I got a feeling Champ's job as a servant for the castle may prove important.

Several other points of interest are drawn into question: 1.) Midara said this last chapter: "When the time is over, the Kaiser is the winner." This seems to imply that the Kaiser could change before the Ban is over. Another deal is what does "time" refer to here? I think it implies the gamble's duration that Baku set, but it could imply when the week's reset starts. Is there a case where the Kaiser can be the winner even after the Ban is over? What happens if an ally who isn't sided with Baku or Lalo wins? DOES HACHINA WIN?! 2.) How do these vests work exactly? They look like nothing but cloth with symbols on them. If your health gets reduced to zero, what penalty is there? Respawn? 3.) How exactly are the developers able to monitor all the player activity in order to confirm that everyone is following the MMORPG rules? It can't be as simple as watching out for cheaters in paintball. 4.) Page 9, I only see two kingdoms on that map. Where is the third kingdom? Is it hidden in the sea of trees?! There are so many TREES!

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
13 volumes....I'm hyped up.

23 days is a long time when considering the activities of the world. I wonder how the weapons/terrorism subplots will go during this ban.

Also a little confused on the strict purpose of the ban, is there a simplified explanation somewhere?

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