@KeepTheFeather I believe Amen was speculating on some of Lalo's options. If Lalo was able to disarm Usogui by taking out Marco, probably with his allies now on the island, he could control Usogui into surpassing the leader for him and forsake the outcome of the ban. But the life collection to occur during the time period from losing the ban to when he becomes the de facto leader of Kakerou through Usogui's win would be too harsh for the allies currently available to deal with.
Maybe -shrug- seems like far-flung and lofty thinking on Amen's part, but this is only my interpretation.
I genuinely wonder what kind of single-task specialists there could be other than ones relating to violence.
But I'm getting excited for all the great referee fights that we will inevitably get in this invader purge.
I think that one sneering pic of Midara was a profile pic somewhere.
Shadow-face guy is 'Fukurou', right? Finally making his grand entrance? Non-fighter(?) versus non-fighter(?).
Nanpou keeps jobbing, that poor fool. He's not even Worf.