@Veshv Yeah he could have folded instead of calling and lose just the ante, instead of 10 bios he would have lost 6, so how did he knew that Baku was gonna call anyways?
I actually thought it was straight up Hal at first. Because if it was Takumi, then why would his face be hidden, as we've already seen it earlier in the match? But I think you're right in that it was a hint. It's a bit of a stretch, but I think the fact that it's underwater and the posing is supposed to remind you of Hal vs Voja.
"The result is not yet fixed.. right?"
"Both poker hands were made as best"
"Even if [Usogui] had thought about [the calamity], it's quite probable that Usogui wouldn't fold at all"
Also c441 p11, Lalo's comment "But if the full house in the 2nd round was in fact a three of a kind of aces, then there are no aces left anymore" along with other clues
Still waiting for the "strongest hand possible" claim to be discredited..
Regarding the amount of bios, no one explicitly knew that Baku would call, just that if he called, that's the amount everyone would end up with. I dunno if I answered your question
Regarding hands forming, probably? If we follow Shion's panels at page 8 and page 15
My consideration was that it'd be a referee performing the calamity, as it's always on a referee to enact conditions of a match and such. However, the Leader is a non-referee that can be trusted to meet the same expectations.
As for the poker hands, Shion said it was made, so it did eat up the jacks. This doesn't change anything regarding upcoming hands either way though, since 44 would still be a full house of 10 and 7.
It's a possibility that Baku might have only lost 3 if he folded, and the cards wouldn't even form hands. It might be why he went forward with the bet as well, to ensure that a Four of a kind was no longer possible either.
Good find with the page. I tried doing something with the bets but short of deliberate sabotage which I don't know how Fukurou would even manage to do, Baku's 26, albeit quite shit, would end up forming a hand no matter what. So yeah, too much of a reach with the idea